Chelsea Clinton's Response To Barcelona Attack Is Brief, But Absolutely Perfect
Today, a van drove into a crowd of people in Barcelona, Spain. Although a lot of false information is currently circulating the internet, we know that reports directly from the scene of the attack are calling this an act of terror. Catalonian officials took to social media this afternoon to share information on the attack, tweeting in Catalan, “A terrorist attack is confirmed. The protocol for terrorist attacks has been activated,” And though many celebrities and politicians have taken to Twitter to share their responses to what happened, Chelsea Clinton's response to the Barcelona attack is brief, but her heartfelt words are absolutely amazing.
Clinton tweeted in Spanish, "Manteniendo a la gente de Barcelona en mi corazón," which translates to, "Keeping the people of Barcelona in my heart." People are commenting their praise for her perfect words about this absolutely tragic attack. The tweet has racked up over 7,000 likes and more than 1,000 retweets within the past three hours, and it's clear as to why it's gaining so much attention.
Twitter users responded with, "What she said, because I know it's perfect," "Gracias Chelsea," and "Muchas gracias por por tu sentir y por escribir en español Eres una líder por naturaleza," which translates to "Thank you very much for your feeling and for writing in Spanish. You are a leader by nature."
Barack Obama's response to the Barcelona attack was extremely moving, too (and we definitely wouldn't expect anything less of the sort). Obama took to Twitter this afternoon to say,
Michelle and I are thinking of the victims and their families in Barcelona. Americans will always stand with our Spanish friends. Un abrazo.
“Un abrazo” translates to “a hug” in English. Obama's touching words received over 133,000 retweets and more than 548,000 likes.
Hillary Clinton just posted her response to today's tragedy, tweeting out,
Barcelona, you have our resolve and support in the face of this cowardly attack. We stand together against terrorism wherever it strikes.
And a "cowardly attack" this certainly was. Within the midst of false claims, we do know that today's Barcelona attack happened along La Rambla, a popular shopping boulevard where many tourists visit. BBC reported, “Witnesses said the van had deliberately targeted people before coming to a stop.” This act of terror comes just days after a car crashed into a crowd in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday afternoon, where one woman was killed and 19 people were injured.