France Just Dropped 20 Bombs On ISIS With Help From The United States
Just one day after ISIS took responsibility for the devastating attacks throughout Paris that claimed an estimated 130 lives, France dropped 20 bombs on Syria in its largest raid on the terrorist group to date.
Ten fighter jets targeted an ISIS command post, along with an arms and munitions depot, in Raqqa on Sunday evening. The jets also targeted a terrorist training camp, according to a statement from the French Ministry of Defense. The attack was made in coordination with US forces, French officials said.
Photos surfaced on social media Sunday showing alleged hellfire missiles with “From Paris, With Love” scrawled on them in black marker, but their authenticity has not been confirmed.
Bombs dropped by USAF on ISIS today ("From Paris with Love") #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/RRW3yjjNyw — Paul Flannigan (@paulflan68) November 15, 2015
According to Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, an anti-Isis activist group, no civilians were killed or injured in the French bombing raids.
#Chammal une dizaine d'aéronefs ont détruit centre de commandement et camp d'entraînement #daech à Raqqah en #Syrie. pic.twitter.com/nb9FXXyOvJ — Defense.gouv (@Defense_gouv) November 15, 2015
Following the brutal attacks on Paris, French President Francois Hollande called the attacks an "act of war" and vowed "France will be merciless towards these barbarians."
Citations: NBC News