This Group Of Moms Were Caught Smoking Weed In A School Parking Lot
Back to school time fills a lot of people with anxiety. Even if you haven't attended school in six years, the sight of a "back to school" sale at Target is enough to send you into a tailspin.
Even parents may experience that feeling while sending their beloved children off to learn.
Or maybe they're the type of mom who likes to celebrate their kid being with someone else for six hours by smoking a joint with some of your mom friends.
Like, this group of cool Canadian moms couldn't even wait to leave the parking lot before lighting one up?
According to CTV News, Sgt. John Price with the Saanich Police Department on Vancouver Island was monitoring speeding traffic near the Spectrum-Marigold school when he pulled over a speeding mother.
That is when he noticed the smell of marijuana. It may or may not have looked like this:
Sgt. Price said,
As soon as she rolled down the window it was pretty evident that the people in that car, or the driver herself, had been smoking a joint prior to being stopped.
Price added,
She did admit to smoking a joint and tried to excuse it away by saying her and some of the other moms this morning had a celebratory joint, celebrating that the kids were back in school.
The mother was reprimanded for smoking weed in a school zone, but she was deemed fit to drive. She drove off and was not charged.
While Canada has chilled out on their marijuana laws, and are currently trying to legalize recreational use, driving while high is still illegal.
God, get it together Donnie.
Citations: CTV News (CTV News)