This Job Will Pay You $100K Just For Being A Taco Expert
You’ll be expected to weigh in on the ultimate taco dilemma: soft or hard shell?
If getting paid $100,000 to develop taco recipes and visit famous taco chefs all around the country sounds like a dream gig, a new job opening will give you plenty to taco bout. McCormick is hiring its first-ever Director of Taco Relations to, you guessed it, live and breathe tacos — and, TBH, it almost sounds too good to be true. If you appreciation for all things tacos is not a choice but a ~lifestyle~, here’s how to apply for McCormick's Director of Taco Relations job.
McCormick is giving taco stans a pretty tempting incentive to change career paths with the new remote position, which will last four months and is open to U.S.-based applicants who are over 21 years old. To excel at the job, the Director of Taco Relations should plan to be McCormick’s resident taco expert and get to know the ins and outs of the company’s Taco Seasoning mix. In addition to trying the seasoning mixes in development, the candidate will also work with the team to come up with recipes that use McCormick’s Taco Seasoning mix as well familiarize themself with some of the biggest trends in the taco industry. The role also comes with a fair amount of travel, as the Director of Taco Relations will check out famous taco eateries and take part in a “taco immersion course” both around the country as well as in McCormick’s global kitchens. The icing on the cake? The candidate will get paid $100,000 ($25,000 per month for four months) and receive free McCormick Taco Seasoning and products.
If this sounds like the position you’ve been waiting for, you can cast your name in the running and apply for McCormick’s Director of Taco Relations job until July 20 at 11:59 p.m. ET by filling out an application at McCormick.com/DirectorofTacoRelations.
Because McCormick is looking for someone who is taco devotee first and foremost, no previous taco-related job experience is needed to apply. Instead, you’ll need to demonstrate why you’re the best person for the job by submitting a video that’s no longer than two minutes in length. It’s up to you to get creative with showing why you’d be the ultimate Director of Taco Relations, but McCormick suggests candidates should share “their go-to and unique taco recipes, taco-themed trivia and knowledge,” as well as any relevant skills or experience. In addition to the submission video, you can also include one supplement in Word or PDF form if you think a cover letter or resume would also boost your chances.
Finalists will be notified on Aug. 16 and the name of the successful candidate will be publicly shared on Sept. 1. With applications closing on July 20, don’t sleep on sending the position to all your taco-loving BFFs and brainstorming a submission video that’ll capture the judges’ attention.
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