
Kevin Hart's Heartbreaking Video About Dallas Will Move You To Tears

by Oliver McAteer

Funnyman Kevin Hart is one of life's most amazing uplifters. So, it tears us apart to see him so cut up in this reaction video about the Dallas shootings.

The actor looks visibly distressed as he says the news is "hurting my heart," and calls for a revamp of the justice system.

Here's what he had to say about the deadliest attack on US police officers since 9/11:

I'm sitting here in my office, watching the damn news, and it's hurting my heart. At this point, let's just understand that the justice system is flawed and needs helped being revamped. These are innocent people dying. Goddamn man, I'm raising kids. And this is not the world that I thought I'd be living in at this time. I spread love because I believe in it. I spread love all over to everybody: all races, all shapes, all sizes. But this has to be addressed. These are innocent people dying. Dying. It's a sad day, man. A sad fucking day.

Other celebrities have also paid tribute to the fallen.

Amber Rose posted a heart-wrenching picture of her son, and said, "I grabbed my baby and kissed him" after hearing the news.

Horrifying videos are emerging online, as police continue to examine the crime scene today.

Twelve officers and two civilians were shot, according to Mayor Mike Rawlings. The death toll remains at five law enforcement officers. One suspect was killed by the police.

President Barack Obama declared the tragedy “a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.” He added that nothing can justify such acts of violence, and that “justice will be done.”

A Dallas Police Department spokesman said, “Our hearts are broken.”

Three suspects are in custody. Downtown Dallas was still declared an active crime scene as of Friday morning.