
Science Says Being Left-Handed Has Nothing To Do With The Brain So Life's A Lie

by Alexandra Strickler
Stocksy/Carolyn Lagattuta

Prepare to have your mind blown.

Despite the popular belief being left or right-handed originates in the brain, new research shows the cause of handedness actually traces back to the spinal cord.

In a new study, Dr. Sebastian Ocklenburg and his colleagues conclude gene activity in the spinal cord is “asymmetrical already in the womb," and a preference for the left or the right hand might be traced back to asymmetry.

So, left-handed people aren't just 10 percent of the population we all agree are super weird, get worse cell service than us righties and constantly have ink smudged all over the side of their hands?

Yep, that's exactly right.

First, let's break down how the brain and spinal cord are actually involved in directing our motions.

The motor cortex in the brain initiates hand and arm movements, which sends a signal to the spinal cord. The spinal cord then translates that signal into a real motion.

In the study, researchers began to see notable differences in the interaction between the brain and the spinal cord during a woman's pregnancy.

After taking a closer look at what's behind that genetic asymmetry in the spinal cord, the authors of the study discovered environmental factors play a pretty significant role.

Those factors may change the enzyme interaction around the baby in the womb, in turn affecting how the genes develop and whether the unborn child will prefer the right or left hand.

So, it looks like there's not really much a person can do to save himself or herself from the many first-world problems that lefties are subjected to...

Like that stupid chained pen at the bank that I hope you didn't need to move anymore than a quarter of an inch...



...or the impossibility that is sitting down to eat lunch at a crowded table.


Keep on truckin', lefties. Keep on truckin'.

Citations: This is the reason you're not left-handed (Indy100)