Malia Obama Had Some First-Rate Help Moving Into Her Harvard Dorm
There's no way to stop the cruel march of time, which is why as of Aug. 22, the official move in-day, Malia Obama moved into Harvard. My favorite Obama is now a 19-year-old student at one of the best universities in the world, and my crows' feet are creeping across my skin, ever deepening. And to quote my mother, I knew this day would come, but I'm just not ready.
The only thing keeping me from ugly-crying is the fact that Obama, for now, is still a normal teenager, and she, just like the rest of us Regulars, moved into her new digs with help from her parents.
After vacationing in Martha's Vineyard, former President Barack Obama was spotted dining in Harvard Square on Aug. 21, according to The Boston Globe, piquing onlookers' curiosity. But amateur paparazzi on the Harvard campus quickly figured out why he was in the area: he and wife, former First Lady Michelle, were helping Obama get settled at her new school.
Nevermind that her parents are famous and amazing and beautiful on the inside and out. But still. Barack and Michelle made the time to help their daughter transition to dorm life.
At any rate, Obama is safe and sound on her Cambridge, Massachusetts campus, and the elder Obamas were spotted out and about, much to the titillation of passersby. A tweet that has since gone private even shared a photo taken of the elder Obamas helping their new college kid with her move.
Just imagine Barack taking plastic tubs full of clothes and shoes and books to a cramped room that lacks air conditioning.
Barack probably tried to grab two tubs at once, and Michelle was probably like, "Barack, just take one and some pillows." And he was like, "Nah, I got this." And then he stumbled off, only to discover that there's no elevator in the building. Or something.
I like to think that Obama and her mom went to Target to pick out her comforter, though most likely they went somewhere like Anthropologie, given that the Obamas have impeccable taste that my 18-year-old chevron-loving self could never relate to.
And anyways, Obama isn't the only famous face to join the Harvard ranks.
Black-ish's Yara Shahidi also announced that she will be attending Harvard -- but she'll be deferring for a year. So, much to my disappointment, she and Obama won't be roommates.
But hey, I shouldn't be surprised that Barack and Michelle were there. They are famously involved parents, and Michelle tried to guarantee at least a semi-normal life for the girls.
And you don't get much more normal than your parents standing around in your cramped quarters and asking which bed you're going to take.