This Hilarious Melania Trump Impression Should Probably Win An Oscar
Let's get one thing straight about Melania Trump's speech on Monday night: It was, according to the actual definition of "plagiarism," definitely plagiarism. Like, don't even try to stretch the capacity of your brains cells to wrap your head around the idea that it does not.
Any college professor would laugh in your face if you told him or her a paper was "93 percent" different, the way Chris Christie did.
Anyway, now that we've established that, we can leave all the pontificating and finger-wagging to everyone else and focus our attention where it really belongs: milking her speech for all the laughs it's worth.
Of course, Twitter will always play a big part in milking pop culture events for funnies, and it lived up to that reputation on Tuesday. #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes played a big role in that:
Ok, this is pretty funny...#FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes pic.twitter.com/Mpe8wkytSL — Siefe (@Siefe) July 19, 2016
And then, "The Late Show" added its contribution. Stephen Colbert invited on the show Laura Benanti, whose looks are ridiculously similar to Melania Trump. That makes Benanti the perfect candidate to perform a hilarious imitation of Melania, and hilarious it was.
Her rendition of the Melania speech was basically #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes but in video form.
As ever, this "Late Show" clip is worth the watch.
Citations: Vulture