Michelle Obama’s Tweet For National Pet Day Has Broken Me
This. PHOTO!
Everyone knows having a furry friend by your side just makes everything better. That’s why, on National Pet Day, a lot of people took a little time to show their appreciation for their barking besties — including Michelle Obama. The former first lady posted the most adorable picture of her Portuguese water dog, Sunny, to Twitter and Instagram for the holiday on April 11, and it’s so cute it hurts. Someone please call a doctor, because Michelle Obama’s tweet for National Pet Day has broken me (in the best way).
“Happy #NationalPetDay, Sunny!” Obama wrote in her April 11 tweet, right alongside the most adorable photo of the pup resting her head on a garden table. The sunlight is falling perfectly on Sunny’s fluffy, curly fur, and her nose looks so boopable. “I just love spending time with my furry gal — whose snuggles bring so much joy and delight to everyone she meets,” Obama added, including the red heart and pawprint emojis at the end. If you don’t have a furry friend of your own to snuggle, this picture of Sunny will almost certainly make you want one. It’s impawsibly adorable, and my heart is so full.
However, it’s difficult to not feel a twinge of sadness: Bo, the Obamas’ first pup, is notably absent from the photo after dying in May 2021 from cancer at the age of 12. When Bo passed away, the Obamas were clearly distraught. “For more than a decade, Bo was a constant, gentle presence in our lives — happy to see us on our good days, our bad days, and everyday in between,” President Barack Obama wrote in a Twitter thread. “He tolerated all the fuss that came with being in the White House, had a big bark but no bite, loved to jump in the pool in the summer, was unflappable with children, lived for scraps around the dinner table, and had great hair.”
Sunny didn’t come into the Obama’s lives until 2013, when Barack decided Bo needed his own furry companion to stir up trouble with. Sunny and Bo quickly became best buds — the two were known for romping around with one another on White House grounds like they “owned the place,” according to the Obamas. Well, while Sunny and Bo may not own the White House, one thing is for sure: They own our hearts, in the best way possible.