Switzerland Is Opening An Oral Sex Cafe, But Only For Men, Which Sucks
What did you order at Starbucks this morning? A venti iced latte? A mocha frappuccino? Some matcha green tea? Maybe one of those yummy croissant breakfast sandwiches? A BLOWJOB?
Wait, what?
OK, so don't get too excited, fellas, you can't actually get a blowjob at Starbucks. But there IS a new cafe opening in Geneva, Switzerland, where you can, in fact, enjoy a good old-fashioned blowie with your coffee in the morning.
Yep, this is a real thing that's happening. The "fellatio cafe," set to open by the end of this year, follows a business model already established in Thailand that allows its customers to receive oral sex with their coffees in the morning.
The way it works is that customers will be paying upwards of 60 Swiss francs for their coffees and accompanying blowjobs (making it the most expensive coffee in the city).
Next, they will be given iPads where the men scroll through pictures of potential prostitutes to perform the act. Finally, the men choose the lucky lady and enjoy, what I can only assume, is a very pleasant start to their days.
Yes, you read that last little tidbit correctly. This cafe caters to only MEN. If we're being honest, I'm not personally too crazy about the idea of a "fellatio cafe." But if these are going to be a real thing that's happening, let's at least making them equal, right?! WHERE MY LADIES AT?
As you might expect, the cafe is getting some negative backlash from anti-prostitution groups who say that the only people benefiting from this will be the men involved in setting it up.
But, according to The Local, prostitution is, in fact, legal in Switzerland. Sex workers just have to make sure to have a permit in order to operate legally. If two or more sex workers are working at a business establishment at the same time, they must register as a "massage parlor."
The firm, called Facegirl, had a representative who goes by the name of Bradley Chavet elaborate a little more about the experience as a whole.
He explained to newspaper Le Matin that men would order what they wanted and would proceed to sit at the bar (where I'm assuming they would enjoy their respective blowies). But the whole thing is fairly short as Chavet told the same newspaper that the entire experience totals up to five or 10 minutes.
Those must be some pretty good blowjobs.
Citations: Geneva to get 'café fellatio' by end of year (The Local), 'Fellatio cafe' where customers receive oral sex while they drink their (£40) coffee to be opened in Geneva Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3656541/Fellatio-cafe-customers-receive-oral-sex-drink-40-coffee-opened-Geneva.html#ixzz4CVTVBpTK Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook (Daily Mail)