Bernie Sanders Supporters Explain Why They Stormed Out Of The DNC
A group of Bernie Sanders supporters stormed out of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday evening.
They stormed the media tent, just outside the Wells Fargo Arena where the convention is going on this week in Philadelphia.
The protesters left the DNC right after Hillary Clinton was officially made the Democratic nominee, becoming the first woman ever to do so.
Sanders was actually the one who personally made the move to make Clinton the official nominee.
Sanders was also advocating this week for his supporters to stand united behind Clinton.
They spent much of the convention on Monday booing any call for support for Clinton. There were also many protesters outside the convention gates in Philadelphia.
Jennifer Merecki, a delegate from Montana, who walked out of the convention after Clinton was made the nominee, said,
I felt disrespected by the current party and I didn't feel like the rest of the convention was beneficial for me.
She said she did not feel the primary vote counting was done fairly. She also said that her reason for walking out of the convention was different from the other protesters' reason.
In fact, there was no discernible, united reason for the protesters to walk out of the DNC. They were all united in that they were Bernie fans, but they represented many different platforms.
There were signs in support of Palestine, Black Lives Matter and against corruption and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
There were signs intimating that Clinton would create an oligarchy and that picking Clinton as the nominee is essentially electing Donald Trump for president.
Some protesters wore tape over their mouths, saying their voices had been silenced. They called this a silent protest. Meanwhile, others burst into "This Land Is Your Land" and a variety of chants.
The protesters initially entered the media tent just outside Wells Fargo Arena. Police blocked the entrance, so instead they stayed outside.
Some wore Robin Hood hats, which symbolized Bernie's Robin Hood-like tax plan to "steal from the rich and give to the poor."
Matthew Rock, a delegate from Oregon, had the words "rigged" and "stolen" written on his arms.
I asked him what he meant and he said it was about the "absolute proven collusion between the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign." I asked him if he thought that collusion extended to the 3-million person lead Clinton had in the popular vote during the primaries. He said,
Listen, the popular vote is baloney and we all know that. It doesn't take into account how caucuses are counted, it doesn't take into account the blatant corruption that was happening, the blatant fraud happening state to state, county to county.
Many Sanders supporters have taken aim at the caucus system, which several states use, and claim that it is an undemocratic form of voting and helped Bernie lose votes.
Sanders actually predominately won in caucus states.
Rock continued,
I don't care about what mainstream media says the popular vote is. It's not representative of the vote of the Americans.
Ideally, Rock said, he would like to see the United Nations come in and monitor our election process and have us do it all over again. But, he acknowledged,
So we'll vote how we vote, but it won't be for Hillary.
Zach Bulls, a guest from Texas, did not agree with Rock's strictly anti-Hillary standpoint. He was upset that Bernie lost -- and cried in the stands before coming outside -- but he believes this is "just the beginning" of a movement. As for November, Bulls said,
Of course, Hillary's obvious a better choice than Donald Trump. It doesn't make either candidate seem very appealing. I guess incremental change and the status quo is a lot better than fascism, so, it's not the end of the world.
The Sanders supporters stayed outside of the media tent for about an hour and a half.
At one point, someone came around advising fellow protesters that Black Lives Matter was making an appearance inside, on the convention stage, and it would look bad if they didn't go inside for it.
Many said that they will continue protesting throughout the week.