This Is The Woman Bernie Sanders Supporters May Vote For Over Hillary Clinton
On Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders formally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
If people thought this meant his supporters would flock to Clinton over fear of Trump, they should think again -- particularly when it comes to young people.
According to data and local discussion on Yik Yak, around half of all Millennial Bernie supporters (48 percent) said they are thinking about voting for a third-party candidate, The Hill reports. Correspondingly, 39 percent said they'd vote for Clinton, while just 13 percent said they'd for vote Trump.
What this suggests is many 18- to 30-year-old supporters of Sanders might be considering voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein or Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson.
Stein seems the more likely choice, however, given her politics align more closely to those of Sanders than Johnson.
Throughout this election cycle, there have been many signs Sanders supporters would shift toward Stein if he dropped out, as many have stated they would never vote for Clinton.
Stein was very critical of Sanders' endorsement of Clinton, and this combined with her platform seems to have worked in her favor in terms of winning over a number of the Vermont senator's supporters.
After Sanders endorsed Clinton, The Guardian asked Sanders supporters who they plan on voting for in November. Ultimately, out of 375 responses from readers, 171 respondents said they would support Jill Stein, more than twice as many as those who said they'd vote for Clinton (88). Only 20 said they'd support Trump.
With that said, a recent Pew Research Center survey found 85 percent of Sanders supporters intended to vote for Clinton in November.
At this point, it's hard to say exactly who Sanders supporters might vote for in the general election, but it seems pretty clear two female candidates -- not Trump -- are the top prospects.
Citations: The Hill