Bill Clinton Made A Terrible Dad Joke On Twitter And No One Can Get Over It
Bill Clinton just had to go and make a terrible dad joke on Twitter, didn't he?
After spending well over a year considering the responsibilities of being America's first First Gentleman, Clinton must now be at a loss.
What's a grown man to do but turn to puns?
It's important to stay positive under these circumstances, and humor generally helps with staying positive. Coming up with puns is both amusing and more time-consuming than your boring tweet.
And when you can make a pun that's both hilarious and takes a swipe at the guy your wife lost to? Well that's just about all you could ever ask for.
The former president of the United States sent out the offending tweet on Sunday afternoon.
Hope you're ready for the cheese, because here it is:
Yup. There you have it. Clinton tweeted,
BREAKING: We just learned that the @ClintonCenter has been bugged.
The @ClintonCenter is the Clinton Presidential Center, Bill's library.
Clinton included a photo in the tweet of himself smiling in front of a gigantic grasshopper statue situated outside the center.
So, uh, do you get it? ...Why aren't you laughing yet?
The tweet had a lot of people saying, "Dad, OMG, please stop."
A few people were generally amused by the "dad joke to end all dad jokes."
There was some healthy appreciation of Clinton's "bugging" tweet.
And many praised Clinton's trolling of Donald Trump.
In case you forgot, Trump decided that President Barack Obama was wiretapping -- or "bugging" -- him. To which FBI Director James Comey was like, "bro, come on, that didn't happen." It was awkward.
So it's only fitting that Clinton would joke about one of Trump's wildest false claims.
And then there were some people who got in on the pun fun themselves.
There was an actual reason for that grasshopper statue.
It's at the Clinton Presidential Center for a temporary exhibit called "Xtreme Bugs," according to CNN.
That exhibit opened on Earth Day to celebrate bugs and nature and all that.
So not only did Clinton troll Trump with that pun -- he trolled him with care for the planet, as well.
Fair enough, Bill. Fair enough.
Citations: The Clinton Center has been bugged, literally (CNN)