Comey To Discuss Report Involving Trump And "Hookers In Russia" With Congress
Former FBI Director James Comey is set to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, June 8, where he will discuss the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia during the U.S. election.
Comey released his opening statement on Wednesday, in which he recalls a number of conversations he had with President Donald Trump.
In one such conversation, Trump demanded "loyalty" from Comey.
In another, the president asked him to "lift the cloud" on the Russia investigation.
Comey also claims the president expressed his desire to see him "let go" of the investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Needless to say, Thursday is going to be quite an event. One might call it the political blockbuster of the summer (sorry, House of Cards).
In addition to detailing some of the more dubious requests Trump made of him, Comey discussed briefing the president on the "salacious" report about him.
"Salacious" is the polite, SAT-word way of referring to the scandalous report that claimed Trump engaged in a sex act involving urination, known as a "golden shower," with Russian prostitutes while in Moscow.
This allegedly occurred on the bed in the Presidential Suite of the Ritz Carlton hotel in Moscow where Barack Obama and his wife had slept during an official visit and was meant to be an insult to them.
All of this was reportedly orchestrated by Russian intelligence agents, who also allegedly recorded everything with hidden cameras and microphones.
Yeah, that's the report Comey was referring to: The infamous pee-pee tape report.
Based on Comey's statement, he was charged with alerting and briefing Trump about the report.
Imagine having to meet with the incoming president and tell him about a report that claims he engaged in sexual acts with Russian hookers involving urination.
It's probably safe to say this was an extremely awkward occasion.
As Comey put it,
I first met then-President-Elect Trump on Friday, January 6 in a conference room at Trump Tower in New York. I was there with other Intelligence Community (IC) leaders to brief him and his new national security team on the findings of an IC assessment concerning Russian efforts to interfere in the election. At the conclusion of that briefing, I remained alone with the President-elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment. The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified.
Comey says Trump returned to the subject of the "salacious material" in another meeting, in which the president again "expressed his disgust for the allegations and strongly denied them."
Trump was reportedly considering ordering Comey to investigate the report and prove that what it claimed didn't happen.
Comey is going to say "hookers in Russia" in front of Congress.
That phrase comes up as Comey discusses another phone conversation he had with Trump.
In that conversation, Trump again returned to the topic of the "salacious" report and told Comey he had "had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia."
If Comey reads his full opening statement in Congress on Thursday, which he will assumedly do, this means he will say the word "hookers" in front of United States Senators.
What a time to be alive.