Donald Trump's Latest CNN Feud Tweet Has Twitter Completely Horrified
Did you think Donald Trump's Twitter account couldn't get any more outrageous? On Sunday morning, the president tweeted the latest in his ongoing Twitter feud with CNN, posting a video edited to show him tackling and beating a man with the CNN logo for a head.
The video, which was tweeted with the hashtags #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN, appears to be a meme-ified version of a 2007 video showing Trump taking down WWE CEO Vince McMahon as a promotional stunt. McMahon's head has been replaced with the CNN logo.
The tweet comes less than a day after he defended his use of social media as “not Presidential - it's MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL” adding his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”
Twitter was horrified at the violent turn in the feud.
The tweet is just the latest in the ongoing feud between Trump and the news media, in which CNN has been a favorite target of the president. In the past 24 hours, he has tweeted criticism of the media no less than seven times, with three of those tweets referencing CNN specifically.
Trump has been accused of inciting violence during his presidential campaign. A lawsuit filed in April by several protesters accused him of encouraging violence towards them at a rally in 2016. Trump's lawyers said that he was exercising his right to free speech.
Some are pointing at this latest tweet as just another example.
Some are pointing out the comparison to the Trump family and associates' reactions to being criticized themselves.
CNN added a very timely tweet of their own.
And a few people — including the Twitter account for CNN's press room — had a few choice words of someone else's to add. Namely, those of Trump spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who barely four days ago denied that the president had ever encouraged violence.
As of an hour and a half after it was posted, the tweet has 95,000 likes and 65,000 retweets.