Trump Asks Black Reporter Super Racist Question When Discussing Inner Cities
Donald Trump held a press conference at the White House on Thursday, February 16 that grew combative while he addressed the media.
Things became especially contentious when the president took questions from a Jewish and a black reporter on topics surrounding anti-Semitism and racism.
Jake Turx, White House correspondent for Ami Magazine, a Jewish publication, asked Trump about his plans to combat anti-Semitism in the country.
Turx asked his question respectfully and told Trump he did not blame him personally for hate crimes against Jews, but wanted to know about his plans.
In response, Trump started by saying he is both "the least anti-Semitic" and the "least racist person" you'll ever see "in your entire life."
When Turx tried to interject — as Trump tried to prove he did well with non-white, non-Christian voters — Trump shouted at him,
Quiet, quiet, quiet!
The president then said Turx "lied" about asking "a straight, simple question."
Trump said he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel this week. So basically, that means Turx should just shut up about Jewish hate crimes.
Trump said,
You should take [Netanyahu's meeting], instead of having to get up and ask a very insulting question.
Trump did not say what he would do about preventing anti-Semitism in America.
Turx followed up on Twitter, saying the president "clearly misunderstood my question."
April Ryan, White House correspondent for the American Urban Radio Networks, asked Trump about his plans for "fixing" historically black colleges and universities and the inner cities.
Trump is planning to sign an executive order on HBCUs and made the inner cities a platform during the presidential election.
Trump said he was going to work on those things, without getting into details.
Ryan followed up, asking if Trump was going to include the CBC "in your conversations with your urban agenda, your inner city agenda."
Trump asked who the CBC is, so Ryan explained it's the Congressional Black Caucus.
The president said,
Well, I would. I tell you what, you wanna set up the meeting?
Ryan responded,
No, no, no. I'm just a reporter.
And then Trump dropped,
Are they friends of yours?
Because, you know, all black people know each other.
The president said he wants to meet with the Black Caucus, but it's just not working out, for some weird reason.
The Congressional Black Caucus said on Twitter, however, Trump never responded to a letter they wrote in January.
Citations: The Trump Administration Is Creating An HBCU-Specific Executive Order — But What Does That Mean? (Essence)