Donald Trump Won The 2016 Presidential Election, And America Is Stunned
Donald Trump has won the US presidential election.
The Republican nominee has surpassed the 270 electoral college votes required to win the presidency, according to the Associated Press.
The poll results from Wisconsin pushed him past 270.
This election has been particularly contentious. Over the past few weeks, Trump has raised suspicions of a rigged election and voter fraud.
But with the call that he won, it appears Trump has dropped those concerns.
At this time, it's unclear if democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will contest the results of the election.
This result was very much unexpected, as Clinton had been beating Trump in the polls for several weeks.
During the primary, Trump beat out more than a dozen Republican politicians to clinch the nomination.
His campaign has been marked by controversies, any one of which could likely have sunk the campaign of any other person running for office.
But Trump's campaign has been remarkably untouchable. He once said he "could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody" and not lose voters.
The reality TV star began his campaign for the presidency by calling Mexicans rapists and murders. He mocked a reporter with a disability.
He claimed Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her wherever" when she asked him a question about his history of sexist remarks.
A dozen women have accused him of assault after a disturbing video was released where he said he "grabs women by the pussy."
He said he would keep Muslims out of the country.
He did not immediately disavow former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke.
He tweeted an anti-Semitic meme.
Many people, especially immigrants, people of color and non-Christians, have been worried about their safety in a Trump presidency.
The inauguration will take place on January 20, 2017.
Citations: CNN