This Genius Twitter Account Turns Trump's Tweets Into "Presidential Statements"
President Donald Trump tweets a lot. That's hardly a secret.
But, since he entered the White House, there's been a lot of debate on whether or not Trump's tweets should be taken seriously.
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway recently argued that the media is too obsessed with Trump's tweets and doesn't focus enough on what he does as president.
Subsequently, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer somewhat contradicted Conway when he said,
The president is the president of the United States so [his tweets are] considered official statements by the president of the United States.
A new Twitter account seems to have taken Spicer at his word and is turning Trump's tweets into "presidential statements."
Take, for example, Trump's recent tweet about former FBI Director James Comey, in which he stated, "I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'"
Here's the original tweet:
Here's the tweet as a "presidential statement":
The account, @RealPressSecBot, checks for new tweets from @realDonaldTrump every five minutes and then turns them into the "correct presidential statement format."
It was inspired by Pat Cunnane, who claims to be an Obama White House alum in his Twitter profile, and "built by" Russel Neiss, who describes himself as "coder and activist" in his Twitter profile.
The account surfaced in June (so sometime in the past 12 days), and already has 42 tweets, which gives you an idea of how often President Trump is active on Twitter.
Sadly, given the account was born this month, that means Trump's infamous "covfefe" tweet was not turned into a presidential statement, as he tweeted (and deleted) that on May 31.
But, this is account is still a fantastic reminder Trump's tweets are public statements from the president, which carry a lot of weight and can have major consequences.