
The Internet Caught Trump's Son Stealing From In-N-Out Burger With This Photo

by Alexandra Svokos

Eric Trump – son of Republican presidential nominee Donald – and his wife Lara stopped by In-N-Out Burger in Las Vegas following the third presidential debate on Wednesday night.

How do you celebrate after a big @realDonaldTrump win?? #InNOut #TeamTrump #MAGA — Lara Trump (@LaraLeaTrump) October 20, 2016

This is a truly great choice in food establishments. It may just be the best endorsement the Trump family has ever given.

Eric and Lara, we applaud your judgment... for late night food.

The couple was smart about where to fulfill their Vegas munchies, and they were also being economical. Those burgers are definitely cheaper than dinner at Hakkasan.

But Eric was also economical in a way the public generally considers totally not cool, man. He got a cup that's supposed to be used for free water, and instead filled it with what looks like lemonade.

Somebody tweeted a photo with the evidence, saying,

trumps kid is drinking lemonade outta the free water cup...

Free water cups are provided under an honor code of trust that can only prevail when we uphold proper courtesy standards. Eric flouted this code, and even went as far as happily posing for a photo, despite proof of his blatant disregard for humanity.

Eric Trump, how could you? What values were you raised with to conduct such cultural transgressions?

Given how much money the Trump family supposedly has – although without tax returns, we have no way of verifying Donald's worth – one must assume Eric could afford the lemonade.

In all fairness, however, this might just be the most relatable the Trump family has ever seemed.

Let's be real: We've all stolen at least one drink from an eating establishment that we ordered as a free water.

Perhaps this was Eric's strategy all along: to make himself look like a regular American citizen, just like the rest of us.

And after all, some might argue it's human nature. We all need these little transgressions to make it through a life of following the rules. Eric could have done a lot worse than stealing a lemonade.

The debate on Wednesday was the final one of this year's presidential election (thank the heavens). The election is on November 8.

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Citations: Cosmopolitan