John Kasich Releases Weird, 'Star Wars'-Themed Ad On The Day He Exits Race
On Wednesday, Republican John Kasich dropped out of the 2016 presidential race and also released a somewhat bizarre, "Star Wars"-themed ad for his campaign.
The text for the promo reads,
In a galaxy not so far away, in the not so distant future... 2017 Our only hope Upon defeating Donald Trump in the largest landslide since Reagan in 1984, President Hillary Clinton is preparing to name her newest Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Warren. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preparing new tax hikes, hoping that Senate President Chuck Schumer and his new Democratic majority can swiftly get it to the president's desk for her signature. New executive orders restricting 2nd Amendment are being drafted while increased federal spending on Obamacare is readied. Meanwhile, our allies across the world are swiftly losing faith in America's role as a global leader, empowering our enemies and leaving America in a more dangerous position. But we have hope it can be different.
Watching the ad, my main question is, how did he get the rights to use the famous "Star Wars" theme song? Did anyone give George Lucas a head's up about this?
While Kasich's ad is pretty corny, it doesn't compare to the embarrassment Ted Cruz incurred after elbowing his wife, Heidi, smack in the face following his concession speech. Then again, Ted Cruz can't even hold someone's hand without f*cking it up.
Watch the video above to see John Kasich's poorly-timed ad for yourself.
Citations: Kasich releases bold new Star Wars themed ad on day he quits (Daily Mail Video)