Hillary Clinton is "a nasty woman," and so am I.
The first female presidential candidate for a major US political party has heard it all. And, regardless of your political leanings, it's clear there's a different set of rules when a woman runs for office.
Clinton is no stranger to sexism; she, like most women, has been dealing with it her entire life.
However, unlike most women, she is running for president -- and a woman's presence in the political circus is threatening.
She's been consistently judged by her appearance (AND OPENLY BY HER OPPONENT, TOO); she's been told to smile more during speeches; she's been judged for the actions of her husband (even if he's not running for president, and no one is looking at Melania).
She's been told she can't be president because of her period; she's been interrupted and talked over consistently; she's been accused of playing the "woman card" (even though men have been playing the "man card" since... existence).
She's been belittled, name-called and accused of being "stupid" (for staying with her husband through cheating/sexual assault scandals even if Melania is praised for the same things); she's been called "disgusting" for taking a bathroom break.
Hillary Clinton cannot even pee without being scrutinized; she can't even express her opinion in her own allotted time on the debate stage without being called "a nasty woman."
And the main culprit? Donald Trump.
There's a reason the room erupted in laughter when Trump claimed "nobody has more respect for women than [he does]."
Given his history with accusations of sexual assault and his wildly candid admission of "grabbing women by the pussy" without their consent (you can't make this up), Trump hasn't made a lot of female friends (despite what he might bluster about).
Here's what election results would look like if only women voted vs. if only men voted.
Trump's actions and comments have undoubtedly alienated a lot of women, and his debate antics don't help.
Every woman knows or has met someone like Donald Trump.
He could be a co-worker, a relative, an ex, an acquaintance from school. He might talk over you; he might talk through you. He might not even acknowledge your presence at all.
One thing is for certain: He consistently devalues your opinion on no other basis than whether you have a vagina or not.
I once worked with a Donald Trump.
I would run meetings and he would talk through them; I would make level-headed assertions and he would either actively shoot them down or try and take credit for them himself.
One day, I couldn't take it anymore. I called him out. Justifiably.
I told him he was being rude for talking while I was talking (and running a meeting). I said this wasn't a one-time thing and that he needed to have more respect for me.
And, in a room full of my employees, he asked, "What do you have your period or something?"
What do you have your period or something?
There was no response I could muster without seeming like a bitch -- like a "nasty woman."
Thankfully, I had a room full of people with more than six brain cells to acknowledge this wasn't an "OK" question to ask.
And so I kicked his ass out -- of that meeting, of my life. And if that makes me a "nasty woman" (which I imagine if you asked him, it would), I don't give a shit.
If standing up for myself is "nasty," if refusing to accept a system that consistently punishes my ambition is "nasty," if an unwillingness to accept my "station" in life is "nasty"... well, I don't want to be nice.
Today (and every day), we're standing up to anyone who has ever shamed us for the very things men are praised for. Eight brilliant, brave and beautiful (inside and out) Elite Daily women tell the world why they're nasty women.
And, honestly, they're just badasses.