Recovered Video Of Trump Praising Hillary May Be What Finally Loses Him Votes
A 2008 interview with Donald Trump shows the Republican presidential nominee enthusiastically praising Hillary Clinton.
The interview was with NY1 and was uncovered this week in light of the third and final presidential debate, which took place on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The video shows Trump calling both Hillary and her husband, Bill, good leaders in their positions as senator and president, respectively.
Trump says Clinton is a "great," "smart" woman and "a nice person."
This is a far cry from his discussions about Clinton now, which has him calling her an ineffective politician and a "nasty woman."
In the NY1 interview, Trump talks about Clinton's legacy. He says "her history is far from being over." Trump explains,
I think she is going to go down at a minimum as a great senator.
He goes on to say,
I think she is a great wife to a president. And I think Bill Clinton was a great president.
Trump then praises Bill Clinton's time as president. He says,
Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy.
This uncovered tape isn't totally unexpected. Trump has flip-flopped on his political stance, moving from Democrat to Republican.
The Clintons and the Trumps also used to be friendly. The Clintons famously attended Trump's wedding to his third wife, Melania.
Trump visited the Clinton White House with his two sons, Eric and Donald Jr. He called Clinton a "wonderful woman."
The relationships between the Clintons and the Trumps has gone considerably south since then.
Over the course of the presidential election, Trump has repeatedly criticized Clinton's ability to be president and has made Bill Clinton's affairs and sexual assault allegations against him a part of his campaign.
For the third presidential debate, the Clinton team actually asked to change the procedure so Bill and Chelsea, the Clintons' daughter, wouldn't have to shakes hands with Melania and the Trump children.
The nominees did not shake hands for the debate.
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Citations: Huffington Post, The Hill