A Scary Amount Of Americans Admit They Don't Trust Trump In Unsettling New Poll
Donald Trump's poll numbers are not getting any better. Having hovered under a historically low 40 percent approval rating for months across multiple polls, the president is now the subject of an even more damning survey. Almost three-fourths of Americans don't trust the Trump administration, a new poll from CNN shows.
The poll surveyed 1,018 people.
When asked how much they could trust what they hear from the official communications team at the White House, 43 percent of the respondents said "just some of it."
Another group of respondents, 30 percent, said they trusted none of the things that come from the White House. Only 24 percent of those surveyed said they could trust either "most" or "almost all" statements from the team that represents the president of the United States.
The president's approval rating, meanwhile, still remains under 40 percent. According to CNN's poll, only 38 percent of respondents approve of how Trump is handling the presidency, while 56 percent disapprove.
According to CNN, Trump's numbers amount to the worst approval rating for a newly elected president at this point in his first term since modern polling began. Bill Clinton was the only other president with an approval rating under 50 percent at a similar point during his term (only 44 percent approved of his job performance at the time, in his first term).
The findings of CNN's poll come a week after a number of President Trump's statements seemed to conflict with basic truths. Trump said two things, in particular, that resulted in his press secretary having to field questions of whether the president lied.
First, Trump said the leader of the boy scouts called him to say the president's speech before thousands of scouts was the "greatest speech ever". Second, Trump said Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto called to praise Trump's work on illegal immigration.
Both leaders ended up denying they ever called the president.