Sweet Note Left On Mosque Door After Election Is Exactly What America Needs Now
If the post-election period really is about coming together, this note is a good start.
According to Reddit user Zaidinator, a "concerned neighbor" left a note on the door of a mosque in an effort to show love to Muslims in their community.
The note read,
I am sure things must be scary for you all right now. I hope the coming weeks and months are peaceful, but no matter what, please know that many of us appreciate what you bring to this community and wish you nothing but love. Thank you.
The user who posted the photo said it was left at the mosque the person personally attends in Indiana, which just so happens to be the home state of Vice President-elect Mike Pence.
Pence, as you might recall, denounced President-elect Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States when Trump first introduced the idea back in December 2015.
Trump himself, however, continued to speak about Islam in ways that invoked sweeping generalizations.
In a March interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, he said,
I think Islam hates us. There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us.
So after Trump's election, there was a noticeable amount of fear expressed by a number of Muslims, both through protests and on social media.
That fear is likely what prompted someone to leave that note on the Indiana mosque's door. The user who captured the note and posted it on Reddit wrote,
The mosque has a bunch of community events where many people nonmuslim and muslim come to. The note is just another message of unity and makes us feel like the work we do in our communities are actually making a difference.
Hopefully, a flood of these messages will follow.
Citations: Mashable