Trump Already Replaced Obama On The POTUS Twitter Account So This Just Got Real
It's a day we knew, logically, would come.
The official Twitter account of @POTUS (president of the United States) has been completely wiped of any evidence of Barack Obama.
This plan had been in place since the presidential election in November. Obama was the first president to use social media — including Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram — so it stands to reason that he also was the first president to have to figure out what to do about it.
The administration decided that once the next president was sworn in, the official presidential accounts — including @POTUS, @FLOTUS, @WhiteHouse and so on — would be completely wiped.
The content from those accounts would be transferred over to accounts named specific to Obama, mostly using the number 44 — because Obama was the 44th president of the United States.
So all of Obama's old tweets as president are now over at @POTUS44.
Michelle has promised, meanwhile, that they will still be active on their own personal accounts.
The @POTUS account was completely wiped the moment that Donald Trump was sworn in on Friday.
So far, there are no tweets from the account. The picture is now of Trump.
The bio has been changed to say that he's the 45th president. It reads,
Working on behalf of the american people to make our country great again.
Melania Trump now has Michelle Obama's former @FLOTUS account.
Likewise, the @WhiteHouse account, too, was wiped and handed over.
The @WhiteHouse account already sent out one tweet, which was done soon after the swearing in ceremony.
The tweet confirms that Trump was sworn in. The account says,
We couldn't be more excited!
We still have to wait to see exactly how Trump will use the @POTUS Twitter account. As we all know, he uses his personal account far too recklessly, so it'll be interesting to see if the administration is able to control his use of @POTUS.
And there's one little trolly detail on the @POTUS Twitter account.
It appears as if the Trump administration used a photo from Obama's 2009 inauguration as its banner image.
Probably because Trump's was so poorly attended.