Trump Fires Female 'Apprentice' Contestant For 'Locker Room' Talk In 2010 Clip
If there's one thing Donald Trump won't stand for, it's locker room chat.
He hates it so much he once fired a contestant for using such language on his show "The Apprentice."
The irony here, of course, is the presidential hopeful shrugged off an audio recording in which he used lewd comments about grabbing women by the "pussy" as just "locker room talk."
The video clip, brought to light by Twitter, shows Trump confronting professional wrestler Maria Kanellis in a celebrity special episode aired in 2010.
In it, she describes something as "crap," to which Trump responds,
Isn't it sort of gross bringing that up? It's, like, disgusting. This is my boardroom. It's not a locker room. Maria, you're fired.
Yesterday, more troubling scenes from "The Apprentice" were unearthed.
Leaked transcripts from the show revealed Trump making seriously nasty comments about a woman's appearance.
The transcripts, obtained by the Huffington Post, claim Trump was referring to country singer Emily West in an episode from 2010.
One team had been tasked with raising her profile through marketing packages and interviews with music industry top dogs.
He was talking to contestants in a board meeting once the task was complete when he allegedly said,
I assume you're gonna leave this off, don't put this shit on the show, you know. But her skin, her skin sucks, OK? I mean her skin, she needs some serious fucking dermatology.
But people are saying there's worse to come.
Over the weekend, the Twitter rumor mill was alive with TV producers claiming to know of unaired footage in which Trump says the N-word.
However, there's believed to be a penalty fee of around $5 million liable to anyone who shares videos of the tycoon from the show that could jeopardize his chances of becoming president, thanks to a nondisclosure agreement.
No doubt his campaign is bracing for more controversial comments issued by a younger Trump coming to light in the wake of "pussygate."
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Citations: Huffington Post