Trump Gives Bizarre Defense Against Golden Shower Story: 'I'm A Germaphobe'
It's not like Donald Trump to give an odd response to even more outrageous allegation about his personal life.
*Stares blankly into distance*
The president-elect has responded to claims he hired two prostitutes to perform a "golden shower" show on a bed Barack and Michelle Obama once shared at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow, Russia.
He told press during a conference the story is utter nonsense because he's a "germaphobe."
Trump explained,
In those rooms you have cameras in the strangest places. Cameras that are so small with modern technology you won't see them and you won't know. You've got to be careful, or you'll be watching on nightly television. I tell this to people all the time.
He later added,
Does anyone really believe that story? I'm also very much of a germaphobe, by the way, believe me.
Trump went on to praise some media outlets for how they approached the story. He said,
I want to thank a lot of the news organizations here today because they looked at that nonsense that was released by maybe the intelligence agencies. Who knows, but maybe the intelligence agencies which would be a tremendous blot on their record if they in fact did that, a tremendous blot. Because a thing like that should have never been written, it should never have been had and it certainly should never been released.
He stressed he has "great respect for the news" and "great respect for freedom of the press," and added,
There were some news organizations that were so professional so incredibly professional — that I've just gone up a notch as to what I think of you, OK?
Trump went on a mini Twitter meltdown defending himself in the aftermath of #GoldenShowerGate.
The 35-page dossier was allegedly put together by a British intelligence officer but cannot be verified.
Citations: Donald Trump's News Conference: Full Transcript and Video (NY Times)