
Trump Sympathizes With Bill O'Reilly, Fellow White Man Accused Of Sexual Assault

by Joseph Milord

The painful irony of Trump's presidency continues.

On Tuesday, his daughter tweeted out support for equal pay, just a week after the president had given an equal pay regulation the middle finger. (He rolled back protections for women in the workplace.)

And on Wednesday, the president went out of his way to defend a man who has been repeatedly accused of and sued for sexual harassment, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, no less.

In an interview with the New York Times, President Trump said about Bill O'Reilly,

I think he's a person I know well — he is a good person. I think he shouldn't have settled; personally I think he shouldn't have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way. I don't think Bill did anything wrong.

O'Reilly is the Fox News personality who hosts the number one program on cable news.

O'Reilly has been at the center of sexual harassment cases multiple times over the past decade, which has been the subject of recent news reports.

$13 million in settlements has been paid over a 13-year span, to five different women.

This past weekend, the Times reported that a total of about $13 million in settlements had been paid over a 13-year span to five different women. The women were former Fox employees, who had accused O'Reilly of some form of harassment.

One of the lawsuits came from a former producer for his show, Andrea Mackris. In the suit, Mackris alleged that she'd received multiple calls in which it sounded as if O'Reilly had been masturbating.

In another instance, a former guest of the show said she'd been invited to O'Reilly's hotel after he'd promised to make her a contributor at the network.

Trump has his own history with sexual assault allegations.

Trump's own history with sexual assault allegations underlines the tone deafness behind his defense of O'Reilly. During the election campaign, multiple women came forward with accusations that they'd been harassed by the now president.

Of course, there was also the video in which he referenced grabbing women "by the pussy," and bragging about it.


So yeah, that's the man defending Bill O'Reilly, after declaring this month Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

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