Trump's '400-Pound Hacker' Has His Own Twitter Account And It's Pure Genius
Did you happen to catch that crazy thing Donald Trump said during the presidential debate with Hillary Clinton last night?
No, not that thing — the other thing. You know, the one about the 400-pound hacker.
The big man and his awesome lid challenged Clinton's claim Russians were behind a hack into the Democratic National Committee. He said,
Maybe it was. It could be Russia. It could also be China. It could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.
Wait, what? Why did he throw the weight thing in there? I can't answer that. But it does throw up quite an image, wouldn't you agree? Someone on Twitter nailed that image:
The scallywag describes himself as someone "just hacking government websites and weighing 400 pounds." Location? His bed, of course.
He has around 400 followers as well, lol.
The account was set up in the wake of Trump's comment last night, and the string of tweets since published are more than hilarious.
This was his birth tweet:
Trump just blew my cover #debatenight #debates #Debates2016 #Trump #Hillary — 400 Pound Hacker (@400poundhacker) September 27, 2016
Then he gave us details about his hacking lair:
The bed--where I hack--is covered by a pillow topper made of #Trump's hair#400PoundHacker #debatenight #debates — 400 Pound Hacker (@400poundhacker) September 27, 2016
But he's not just about hacking — this guy's got strong side-project game.
He even revealed the formula to his success...
...and the damning reality of America's political status:
We never did get to the bottom of the DNC hacking mystery. Maybe it was the Russians, as Trump said, but my god, how badly do we want it to be this guy?!
We want four years of the 400-pound hacker.