Twitter Is Roasting Eric Trump For His "Alt-Right" Looking Haircut
Eric Trump, one of the sons of President Donald Trump, appeared on Fox News on June 24 sporting a new haircut.
The high praise he might have hoped for was not to be had; he was instead met with an avalanche of tweets calling out his 'do.
Trump, who has been in the spotlight arguably less than his sister, Ivanka, took to Fox News to express his views on everything ranging from celebrities and Democrats to the success of his father in the White House.
While Trump made his case on the show, Twitter users took the opportunity to take shots at his new look:
The comparisons Twitter users have conjured up have varied, posting everything from Nazi propaganda posters to images of rap artist Macklemore in attempts to draw parallels.
The most oft-cited of these has been Richard Spencer, a noted white nationalist "icon," who dons a similar haircut. Spencer is credited with popularizing the term "alt-right" and has been a rising centerpiece of the movement.
Spencer was in Washington D.C. on Sunday attending a free speech rally. For reference, this is what Spencer looks like (courtesy of this selfie he posted before the rally):
Though the Richard Spencer comparison was overwhelmingly cited, the love wasn't returned. Spencer responded in kind to the call-out on Twitter, appearing to acknowledge and lean into the jostling:
Adding a deliciously ironic layer to this comparison, in Spencer's remarks at the rally, he expressed his disappointment in President Trump, the persisting lack of a border wall, and his fear that "whites are becoming a minority."
So while people were busy comparing Eric Trump to Spencer, not only was the latter actively rejecting that comparison, but he was also criticizing the elder Trump.
As of this writing, Eric Trump has yet to respond to the criticism on either side, instead leaving us only with a tweet in reference to the travel ban.