Man Brags About Grabbing Female Trump Voter 'By The Pussy' In Disturbing Post
It's the story no one wants to read, but everyone knew was coming.
People are already grabbing women by the pussy as America continues to deal with a huge cultural split after Donald Trump was voted in.
Victims of sexual assault are reliving their attacks on Facebook and Twitter.
Amanda Shore from Los Angeles said she was so frightened by what happened she will struggle to feel safe again.
She wrote on Facebook,
Today, I went to go stock up on cigarettes, energy drinks and alcohol. I got out of my car and made it halfway to the store before a man in a MAGA hat grabbed me by the crotch and whispered "Are you scared now, you liberal c***?" I froze. I ran back to my car once he walked away and drove straight home. I need to remove the Bernie sticker on my car, to be safe. I don't think I'll feel safe in this country ever again. This is now public for sharing, and yes I did file a police report.
Not all the threats are physical, but still are as scary and troubling. Emma wrote on Twitter about how she was shouted at from across the street.
It's not just women telling stories. Alarmingly, some men are openly describing how they're grabbing female Trump supporters by the pussy.
This guy, whose identity has been hidden, admitted to attacking a woman after he heard her ranting about Trump.
And other men were making threats against the women who voted for Trump.
Swarms of protestors poured out in streets across the country last night.
People marched arm in arm through Los Angeles and New York City chanting slogans like, "Not our president" and "Pussy grabs back."
In NYC, protestors walked to Trump Tower on Fifth Ave and stood outside the new president's office until crowds were dispersed.
Citations: Metro