4 Amazing Statistics About The Women's March That Will Drive Trump Crazy
President Donald Trump is obsessed with numbers.
He's boasted about everything from the number of people who've attended his rallies to the number of commas in his bank account.
But his administration is being criticized for the inaccurate information it's offered on the size of the crowd that attended his inauguration.
Trump is clearly feeling a little insecure about the relatively small number of people who came to the nation's capital to see him sworn in as the 45th president.
Trump's press secretary, Sean Spicer, attacked the media for its coverage of the inauguration, arguing it misrepresented the number of people who attended (it didn't).
Spicer made several false claims during this press conference, including that Trump had “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration."
This is false both in terms of the number of people who physically attended and the number of people who watched on TV.
Around 31 million people watched Trump's inauguration. Comparatively, in 2009, roughly 38 million people tuned in to watch Obama's inauguration.
In short, Spicer lied to America's face.
Subsequently, Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway attempted to argue the Trump administration simply offered "alternative facts" surrounding the inauguration.
Chuck Todd quickly pointed out that there is no such thing as "alternative facts."
"Alternative facts" are just lies.
Obama's inauguration in 2009 clearly had more people at it than Trump's.
Beyond these images, which are very telling, we also know far more people used the Metro in DC the day of Obama's inauguration in 2009 than the day of Trump's inauguration.
In total, there were 1.1 million Metro trips on January 20, 2009 -- the busiest day in Metro history.
On January 20, 2017, however, there were just 571,000 trips. That's lower than the average weekday ridership of 639,000 trips.
Obama's inauguration in 2013 also saw more Metro trips than Trump's: 782,000 in total.
Trump is mobilizing people, just not in the way he wants.
The day after Trump's inauguration, people across the US and around the world marched against Trump, filling the streets of a number of major cities.
Trump is obviously annoyed about this, given that he hates not being number one (and it didn't take very long for him to tweet about it).
The Trump administration is off to a very rough start. This focus on numbers is extremely petty.
But, since Trump and his people insist on it, let's talk about some actual numbers (not alternative facts).
History was made over the course of the weekend, but not in the way President Trump hoped.
Here are four incredible statistics about the Women's March that will drive Trump crazy.
1. At least 3.3 million people participated in the Women's March across the US.
We don't yet have the final numbers for the Women's March, but political scientists believe it may have been the largest demonstration in US history, Vox reports.
According to data compiled by Erica Chenoweth at the University of Denver and Jeremy Pressman at the University of Connecticut, at least 3.3 million people participated in over 500 marches across the US.
Estimates show one out of every 100 Americans participated in the march, which is astonishing.
2. The Women's March on Washington was at least three times bigger than the crowd at Trump's inauguration.
Washington, DC was absolutely flooded with people on January 21 for the Women's March on Washington.
It was truly an incredible day in the nation's capital.
Crowd scientists estimate the Women's March on Washington was roughly three times larger than the number of people who attended Trump's inauguration.
It's estimated somewhere between 500,000 and one million people participated in the march.
Trump claims 1.5 million people attended his inauguration, but that's clearly not accurate.
Metro had the second busiest day in its history amid the Women's March, recording 1,001,613 station entries on Saturday.
Comparatively (as noted above), there were roughly 570,000 station entries the day of Trump's inauguration.
3. There were zero arrests during the Women's March on Washington, but hundreds on inauguration day.
Over 200 people were arrested on inauguration day in Washington, DC.
Trump's big day was marred by clashes between police and protesters, and several businesses were damaged.
But the day of the Women's March on Washington saw nothing but peace and love: Zero people were arrested in spite of the large size of the crowd.
4. People marched against Trump on all seven continents. Nasty women rule the world.
People across the world marched against Trump and in solidarity with women and America.
In fact, there were marches on all seven continents -- including Antarctica.
Long story short: The entire globe is ready to resist Donald Trump -- especially women.
He can either face the music, or continue to live in a fantasy world based on "alternative facts."
Citations: Women's March Leads To 2nd Busiest Day In Metro History (Washington Post), Crowd Scientists Say Women's March in Washington Had 3 Times More People Than Trump's Inauguration (New York Times), More than 1 in 100 Americans marched against Donald Trump Saturday, say political scientists (Yahoo), The Women's Marches may have been the largest demonstration in US history (Vox), Trump inauguration draws nearly 31 million U.S. television viewers (Reuters)