Pope Francis Just Washed And Kissed The Feet Of Refugees Of Multiple Faiths
On Thursday, Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Hindu and Christian refugees, sending a powerful message of solidarity to some of the world's most vulnerable people. He did so in honor of Holy Thursday at a refugee center near Rome, The Washington Post reports.
The Holy Thursday rite is a reenactment of when Jesus washed the feet of his apostles prior to being crucified.
Several of the refugees reportedly wept as the pope knelt down and washed their feet.
This poignant moment couldn't have come at a better time, given the rising tide of Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiments in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris and Brussels.
The pope denounced the attacks, describing them as a "gesture of war" and not representative of the refugees.
In a homily he delivered at the refugee center, the pope stated,
We have different cultures and religions, but we are brothers and we want to live in peace... All of us, together: Muslims, Hindi, Catholics, Copts, Evangelicals. But brothers, children of the same God... We want to live in peace, integrated.
As politicians in the US discuss banning refugees and Muslim immigrants from entering the US, Pope Francis got down on his knees and kissed their feet. These politicians, and much of the rest of the world, should take notes.
Citations: Pope washes feet of Muslim migrants, says 'we are brothers' (The Washington Post)