Here’s What To Know About Whether You Can See Repeat Views On Your IG Story
It’s not that easy.
If you're an Instagram fanatic, you know the app has tons of analytics available to its users. Instagram shows you who has liked your posts on your timeline, who views your stories, and how many times your stories have been viewed in total. But, can you see how many times someone has viewed your Instagram Story? If you were hoping to get some insight on your friends' and followers' viewing habits (like that certain someone you've been crushing on), you might be out of luck.
Currently, there's no option for Instagram users to see if one person has viewed their Story multiple times. As of June 10, 2021, the Story feature only collects the total number of views. However, you may notice that the number of views is higher than the number of people who’ve viewed your Story. This is because the number of story views will include replays of your Story, per Instagram. Unfortunately, there’s know way to see who replayed your story. So, if you see that your views are larger than the list of people, you can assume someone viewed your Story more than once. This is great if you don't want to be caught rewatching your crush's Story over and over (and over) again, but bad if you're trying to figure out whether your crush is doing the same for you.
The good thing is you can see who’s viewed your Instagram Story in general, even though you can't see the number of times they have viewed it or even when they viewed it. To check out the people looking at your Story, tap on your profile picture to access your most recent Story and swipe up. From there, you'll see all the names of people who have looked at the Story when you tap on the “Seen By” icon in the bottom-left corner. Again, you won't see how many times individuals watched, but you’ll get a good idea of who’s watching them in general. This is also where you can see answers to questions and polls on your Story if you're looking for some more insight from your followers.
If you’ve missed out on checking who’s viewed your Story, according to Instagram, you can still see it for up to 48 hours after you posted. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bar icon in the top-right corner of the page. Then select your “Archive” and “Stories.” From there, tap your recent Story and you should be able to see views. They’ll disappear after the 48-hour mark, though, so make sure you check before the time is up.
Another common question related to Instagram privacy is whether people know if you share their Instagram Story. There are a few answers to that question, and it all depends on how you share. There are three different ways to share someone else's Instagram Story on your own Instagram Story or account. One, you can share an IG Story in which you've been tagged directly to your own Story. Two, you can screenshot their Story and post it to yours as an uploaded image from your camera roll. (If you do this, you should tag the original poster so they receive the credit for the post.) The other option is that you can share by directly sending it to someone else via Instagram Direct Message. Keep in mind that sharing a private account's Story means it will only be visible to your followers who also follow the account.
If you opt to share a Story the first way, where you share one you're tagged in, the person who tagged you in their story will receive a notification that you've shared the image on yours. When you opt to share a screenshot of an Instagram Story, the person won’t get a notification that you took a screenshot, but keep in mind they'll likely come across it anyway if they follow you. Direct Messaging someone’s Story to someone else won’t alert the Story poster, either, but keep in mind the person who posted it will be able to see if the person you sent it to viewed the Story.
Although you can’t see how many times someone has viewed your Story, Instagram offers a lot of other cool insights when you share Stories with your followers.
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