You're Soon Going To Have To Pay To Endlessly Swipe Right On Tinder
Dating is about to get easier, especially with endless swipes.
Everyone's favorite love-to-hate app, Tinder, is slated to launch a new premium service called Tinder Plus in March.
The news comes courtesy of the sleuths at TechCrunch, who noted premature updates to the Tinder app download page in the iTunes store that seems to indicate a change on the horizon.
The paid service, which already had a limited launch in the UK, Germany and Brazil, comes with a paywall update that asks users to purchase unlimited right swipes.
Although you'll have to swipe past hundreds of profiles in order to activate the paywall, the service is designed to stop automatic bots from ruining dating for everyone.
Daters will also be able to step back and swipe right on a potential match missed in the rush to find a date.
Moreover, the new Tinder Plus will feature a highly-anticipated "passport" feature, allowing users to change their location and find matches all over the world.
For a reported price of less than $7 per month, you could be smooching French men on the Riviera while enjoying a limitless Tinder experience.