Uber Revealed The Weirdest Stuff People Lost In Their Cars, And They're WILD
Who forgets their pet's ashes in an Uber!?
Forgetting your phone in the Uber is a totally relatable experience for so many riders across the country. But there’s a whole slew of other personal belongings that you couldn’t even imagine people lose track of in their ride share. Thankfully, Uber’s 2022 Lost and Found Index is here, and as usual, it has the lowdown on the wildest forgotten items that have been left behind by riders. From tater tots to a pizza costume, check out the entertaining details from this year's findings.
Uber’s 2022 Lost and Found Index officially dropped on June 3, and just like in 2021 and 2020, it’s such a handy list to for riders to see what they should keep an eye on their next ride. Of course, there’s also plenty of entertaining — and questionable — items that have been left behind by riders, like a metal leg or 10 pounds of hamburger meat.
The top 10 most commonly forgotten items for 2022 were the usual suspects: phone/camera, wallet, keys, backpack/purse, headphones/speaker, glasses, clothing, vape, jewelry, and ID. Of course, the list is a good reminder to pay extra attention to these certain items the next time you catch an Uber.
However, it all gets super interesting with this year’s list of most unique lost items. Riders admitted to leaving behind some strange items, like: some tater tots, my fingernail, an “It’s Boba Time” apron, a foldable unicorn kid chair, 500 grams of caviar, my grandma’s teeth, a Budhha locket, cat litter, and a reptile heating bulb. Some more items that’ll certainly make you do a double-take were Supreme underwear, a pizza costume, and a sh*tty painting of a moose. Someone even left an urn with pet ashes and an urn of a family member while riding in their Uber — which was perhaps one of the freakiest items on the list.
If you ever forget an item in your Uber, don’t fret. It’s super simple to notify your driver and get a forgotten item back. If you’ve left your phone in the car, however, you can always login to your Uber account on your computer then select your trip under the “Your Trips” tab. Once you’re there, navigate to “Find lost item,” tap “Contact driver about a lost item,” enter a phone number where you can be contacted, and then tap “Submit.” Uber will then call your driver, and if they find your item, you’ll be able to set up a time and place to retrieve it.
This article was originally published on