Woman Live-Streams Boss Demanding Oral Sex If She Wants To Leave Early
A Hawaiian man is facing criminal charges after he was caught asking one of his workers for a blowjob on Facebook Live.
According to The Daily Beast, Makana Milho, 21, started filming the conversation she was having in a car with 47-year-old Harold Villanueva Jr when she became frightened.
At the start of the three-minute conversation, Villanueva can be heard saying,
If you don't want a condom, I wouldn't mind a blowjob.
Makana replies, "I can ask my friend if they have a condom?"
But Villanueva sounds uncomfortable with the idea, and later asks her to keeping the conversation secret, adding, "Whatever we talked about is like between me and you, yeah?"
She claims Villanueva touched her inappropriately while she was cleaning toilets as part of a six-day community service order.
Throughout the Facebook Live clip, the two discuss kissing, oral sex and intercourse. Villanueva says he will let Makana go home early if she agrees to do stuff to him.
She repeatedly says she's not comfortable with the idea, and says at one point, "If I don't, you know, do sexual stuff I gotta stay until 1:00?"
Villanueva was reportedly arrested and charged with four-degree sexual assault.
Citations: Woman live streams boss 'asking her to perform sex act so she can leave early' (Metro), Trans Woman Captures Her Supervisor's Sexual Harassment on Facebook Live (The Daily Beast)