
Eye-Opening Video Reveals How Incredibly Absurd Casual Sexism Sounds
by Gillian Fuller
In a recent video, feminist Youtube comedy group Girl Pants Productions challenges gender inequality by revealing the most “absurd” elements of male bias.
The sketch, titled “How Gender Inequality Sounds to Normal People,” is the latest in a series of politically-driven videos tackling everything from anti-vaxxers to modern racism.
In the video, hot topics such as rape, the wage gap and the male gaze are addressed as banal, everyday situations. The goal is to reveal how our culture's acceptance of gender inequality is not only ludicrous, it's illogical.
The producer and director, Alex Hluch, says,
Many people scoff at the idea that gender inequality exists, even when presented with hard facts and statistics... If the idea of women being treated equally to men aggravates you, then there's something very wrong with your sense of empathy and compassion.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Check out the video up top.
Citations: This Is How Ridiculous Casual Sexism Sounds To Most People (BuzzFeed)