
China Somehow Just Built A 57-Story Skyscraper In Only 19 Days (Video)

by Chris Riotta

In news making us say "holy sh*t" this morning, a construction crew in China created a monstrous apartment building and office space faster than it's taking me to file taxes.

The Mini Sky City building is located in Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province in south-central China. It's large enough to hold 800 apartments and even has office space for up to 4,000 people.

The team built the skyscraper at a rate of three floors per day. Originally, the plan was to build the skyscraper up to a whopping 220 stories, but they settled on 57 due to the site's proximity to an airport.

I call it a day after about 20 minutes at the gym; this video is starting to make me question everything.

Citations: How to build a skyscraper in NINETEEN DAYS Time lapse shows how Chinese firm builds 57 storey block at a rate of three floors a day (Daily Mail)