Guy Eats A Chipotle Burrito A Day For 100 Days To Help His Frat Bro Who Has Cancer (Video)
What would you do for a fraternity brother in need?
That's the exact question 22-year-old Joe Gallo asked himself upon hearing the devastating news that fraternity brother Bret Grund had been recently diagnosed with stage IV glioma.
Joe, a recent graduate of Bowling Green State University, set out on a mission to raise money to help offset some of the costs of Bret's medical bills by eating a Chipotle burrito a day for 100 days.
To help spread awareness of the fund, Joe would post a video of his last bite on Instagram every day, with the hashtag #100daysforgrundfund.
We caught up with Joe around day 70 and followed him down the homestretch. On day 100, we hosted a fundraiser for him at Ainsworth Park in Manhattan, to celebrate his accomplishment and raise additional funds.
Surrounded by family, fraternity brothers, and after receiving a special video message, Joe finished the last burrito like a champ.
To donate to the GrundFund page click here.
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