Disgusting: Oklahoma Frat Chapter Caught On Camera Shouting Racist Chant
A fraternity has been shut down at the University of Oklahoma after a video surfaced reportedly showing numerous members declaring their prejudice toward blacks.
The nine-second clip is purported to show the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon chanting,
There will never be a n*gger at SAE.
Here's another view:
According to Yahoo! News, the footage was posted to Twitter on Sunday by a campus organization called Unheard.
Chelsea Davis, who is one of Unheard's two directors and a junior at the college, said the group was formed at the start of this past semester to combat racial discrimination.
She said,
Clearly in that video, that is nothing new. That is nothing that just sparks up overnight. That is a chant that was well-known, well-versed, and seemed to be OK with everybody that was involved.
Unheard's tweet was sent to University of Oklahoma president David Boren with the caption, "Racism is alive at The University of Oklahoma."
Boren issued this response on the social network, tweeting,
If the video is indeed of OU students, this behavior will not be tolerated and is contrary to all of our values.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon's national headquarters released a statement shortly after saying its Oklahoma chapter had been closed and all members had been suspended.
The statement reads,
We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way. Furthermore, we are embarrassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who is offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities.
It went on to say that anyone featured in the video could be permanently kicked out of SAE.
A student demonstration against the video took place at 7:30 Monday morning after the fraternity's house was covered in graffiti on Sunday night.
"Tear it down" was written on one of its walls, according to local news outlet KOCO.
Boren said Sunday night that the brothers had until midnight to leave campus.
Citations: University of Oklahoma Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant (Yahoo News), OU chapter of SAE closed after video reportedly shows members singing racist chant (KOCO)