10 Incredibly Adorable Dogs Enjoying The Snow, Because At Least Someone Likes It
If you've ever had a sweet fur baby of your own, you know this: They absolutely adore the snow. I mean, they really love it. My dog begs to go outside and play in the snow about 10 times a day, and I'm sure she'd be way happier if I just let her stay out there and frolic all of the time. I, on the other hand, tend to start despising this time of year once the very first snowfall graces us with its presence. It's just too cold, you know? But our dogs seem to disagree. Between romping around, sitting pensively in a snow pile, and catching snowflakes, they're truly living their best lives. You see adorable dogs in the snow pretty much everywhere.
TBH, I love my dog, but these are the times when I'm just slightly jealous of her — some dogs just have it so good. And the fact that she is completely unbothered by laying in the snow for long periods of time is the cherry on top. Meanwhile, picture me calling for her from the porch, bundled up in boots, three sweaters, a coat, scarf, and gloves, hoping that for once she'll listen to me and I don't have to spend 20 minutes waiting for her to get bored.
Even if their love for the snow drives us nuts at times, you have to admit their snow time shenanigans are just too cute to stay annoyed at. Need some happiness in your life? Just take a browse through these 10 photos and videos of doggos having the best time in the snow.
01This Golden Arctic King
I might be partial to this pup because my own dog is a golden, but this pooch possesses effortless snowy grace. He looks so peaceful sitting in his spot in the snow. I think we can all agree that Brady's living life right.
02Going Inside Is Not An Option
Any snow-loving dog parent knows this act. This is the "Mooommm, no! I'm not listening," and it gets cuter and harder not to laugh, every single time.
Let me tell you, dogs are stubborn when they want to be. It's their way or the highway.
03This Dog Is Just Too Cute For Words
I think I've made this face before... TBH, I get the feeling this dog is actually probably enjoying his time in the snow. It's OK, pup, we won't make you go inside.
04This Pup Is All About The Snow Maze Life
If there's one thing this video proves, it's that the playtime opportunities in the snow are truly endless. This little pupper is getting around just fine and having a blast. Not to mention, he's looking very stylish in that little red coat.
05When Mom And Dad Don't Want To Play So You Make Your Own Fun
You can't watch this video enough. I've seen a lot of dogs enjoying the snow, but this has to be the first time I've seen a dog willingly sled down a hill then lug his own sled back to the top. This is the very definition of a good boy, if you ask me.
06You've Never Seen A More Glorious Leap
How's that for aesthetics, am I right? Besides the fact that this Bernese Mountain dog is just so pretty (Look at that fur!), that leap is also magnificent. Quality time spent in the snow.
08This Pup Is Truly The Life Of The Snowy Party
I love this pup, either because he's so darn cute or because he's pretty innovative. Who needs a sled when you can slide down on your stomach? That's what it's for, anyway.
09Because, Face First
This dog knows how to enjoy snow, and it's best done shoving your face in it head first. Trust Timba, because this pupper knows the way around. You've got to appreciate the technique.
10This Pup Came Prepared
If you're not enjoying the snow in style, then what are you even doing? This dog wasn't going to let a blizzard stop her from being the best looking dog on the block (or getting a good taste of the snow available).