10 Ways To Put The Spark Back Into Your Long-Term Relationship Without Blowing Your Budget
No matter how into each other a couple is, there will be times (if they stay together long-term) that the spark will fade a bit. It's not that the love goes away, but the excitement and sexual chemistry can fade. The good news is, it doesn't have to! You can reignite those feelings with a little effort. Fortunately, this homework is a lot of fun — and it doesn't have to break the bank. There are plenty of cheap ways put the spark back in your LTR, it just takes a little creativity and the desire to... well... bring back the desire!
When coming up with fun ways to reignite the passion, it's all about getting back to the basics of when you first met — when things were light, and fun, and full of possibility. Think of activities that will break you out of a rut — so, like, no movie marathons or going to your favorite brunch spot. No, this is about trying new things that will remind you of how you felt about your partner when your relationship was brand new. Need a little inspiration? Well then, here are some sexy ideas of things you and boo can do this weekend (or maybe even tonight) to help you get your relationship mojo back.
01Give each other couple's massages.
Have you ever had a couple's massage? It’s incredible. You are so relaxed and connected afterwards... but also broke. Yeah, spa days are pretty expensive, but here’s the thing: You don't actually need to go all out on a professional couple's massage when you could just DIY. Spring for some nice massage oil and then take turns giving each other the rub-down of a lifetime.
02Cook something sweet together.
Want to inspire a little romance? Make something sweet together. If that sounds corny, consider this: Studies show that eating sweet foods actually increases amorous feelings. So, try making something sweet and delicious at home to share.
03Visit the zoo.
If the last time you visited the zoo was on a field trip as a kid, it might surprise you how romantic it can be now that you’re grown. It’s like a beautiful park, but full of amazing and exotic animals. It's also the perfect excuse to just slow down for a moment and walk hand in hand with your partner. It helps you feel like a kid again, before everything got so complicated and hard. So, take advantage of that and just be in the moment, in a gorgeous setting, with the person you love. Also, cute animals.
04Go to the beach and stay until sunset.
There is a reason a sunset beach stroll is a cliche, because it’s actually romantic AF. So, head out to the beach for a day of fun and sun together. Spend the afternoon playing and reconnecting in the surf (with sunscreen on, of course) and close out the day with a stroll down the beach as the sun sets. And while you do, talk about your visions for the future together. If you want to break out of the day-to-day rut, the best thing to do is remember the bigger picture.
05Go on a camping trip, even if it’s in your own backyard.
Honestly, nothing is more romantic than getting cozy under the stars. So, grab a tent, some sleeping bags, some s’mores supplies (remember what I said about eating sweets together!), and head out somewhere in the great blue yonder. You can start by lying together under the stars and discussing your dreams for the future, and then just let the night unfold.
06Do a sexy photoshoot together.
You’ve sent each other sexy selfies in the past, but now it's time to give them the live show. Take turns being the model and photographer and take some hot pics. There's something about seeing your partner through a camera lens that helps you refocus on just how hot they really are. One bit of advice, though: Make sure you negotiate what you plan to do with the photos after, to make sure they don’t get leaked or misused. Safety first!
07Get your adrenaline pumping.
Want to spice things up? Head to your local amusement park. It's a super fun way to spend the day with someone you love, which is a turn-on all on its own. Studies actually show that going on roller coasters can increase sexual arousal because they get the adrenaline pumping!
08Watch porn together.
Bless the internet — and not just because it has given me a job — but because it has made being able to watch porn so much easier. Can you believe people used to have to go out and rent it? Or buy magazines? Madness! Not these days. All the sexy stuff you could want is conveniently available at all times — for free. So, if you want to get things hot, without spending a dime, fire up some porn for two and watch it with your partner.
09Pack a picnic and go somewhere romantic and quiet.
Porn not your speed? Maybe you want something a little more romantic. In that case, go for a classic: Pack a picnic. Grab a blanket, some delicious snacks and drinks (maybe some wine), and find somewhere beautiful and quiet where the two of you can reconnect, talk, and get, ahem, close under that blanket.
10Drive somewhere private and make out.
Speaking of classics, how about a backseat makeout sesh? Go for a drive somewhere remote where you won’t be spotted, put your favorite music on the radio, and steam up those windows.
See, getting things spicy with bae again doesn't have to cost a mint! Sure, it's nice to splurge once in a while and spoil each other, but the real romance is what happens between you. It's the effort to reconnect and to just get lost in a moment. You don’t need a ton of money to do that, just a partner who's equally as excited to heat things up with you again, too.
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