10 Dating App Opening Lines For Spring That Are Sure To Make Love Bloom
It's 2019 — if you're still messaging "hey" on Tinder, it's time to rethink your opening line. Maybe you took a break from the apps to stay warm inside this winter, but now you're ready to get back out there. Spring is the time to find that special someone (or someones) to spend your summer Fridays with, and you're going to want dating app opening lines for spring that will kickstart the conversation.
Spring is actually the optimal season for romance, according to neuroscientist Helen Fisher, because we get a dopamine rush from novel experiences. With its new flowers and colors, spring provides nothing but novelty. Optimism is in the air, and even if you feel like you've tried every dating app too often to count, maybe it's time to give it another go.
Reaching out to someone for the first time can be scary, but first impressions go a long way. Plus, sending the first message means you have more control over who you talk to. If you're shaky on how to start a conversation on a dating app that's both witty and unique, we've got you covered.
Check out these 10 opening lines that will make your love blossom just like the flowers this spring, and start swiping!
How Would You Spend The Longest Day Of The Year?
The changing of the seasons is a great time for seasonal-questions. Our days are getting longer, and you want to know how your match takes advantage of the daylight. This question tells you how they prioritize their time and what gets them excited. If you'd both want to spend the summer solstice under the stars, why not do that together?
Any Fun Adventures Coming Up? I'm Going To Coachella In April.
People often save their vacation days for the warmer months, so find out what they've been planning! And don't be shy about volunteering your own plans — conversation on dating apps comes more easily when the other person has something concrete to respond to. Plus, sharing your trips opens up the conversation to more interests you might have in common. And you could even found out they're attending Coachella as well!
On A Scale From 1-10, How Much Do You Love The Beach?
This may seem like an obvious question, but you'd be amazed by how many people find beaches overly bright and sandy. It's too soon to ask them to take a beach vacation with you — you haven't even met yet! But if you're looking for a spring fling to turn into a summer romance, you'll want to know if they're on the same page about sandy fun, so find out now.
I Love Hiking, Too. What Are Your Favorite Trails?
You've both been stuck inside all winter. If they've listed the outdoors and hiking as interests in their bio (which so many of us seem to do), let them know you have that in common. While starting off with a statement isn't always conducive to conversation, you've also asked them a question, so they have a good way to engage.
I'm A Huge Fan Of Freshly Cut Flowers.
Maybe they have a picture with flowers, maybe they don't. Flowers are always relevant in the springtime, and starting the chat with a quirky fact about yourself will make you stand out. As an added bonus, they'll have an idea of what to get you on your birthday (or as a fun gift any time of year).
What's Your Favorite Flavor Of Halo Top?
There's no wrong time to eat Halo Top, but as the weather gets warmer, you have a better excuse to eat it every day (not that we need an excuse). Asking about Halo Top is the perfect conversation starter because it's light — both the ice cream and the topic — so there are no wrong answers. Plus, it's a fun way to show your sweet side. And if you have the same flavor, you know what's for dessert on your first date!
Is That Your Dog?
They definitely have a photo of them with a dog — this is online dating, after all. So you might as well find out more about it. Is the dog going to be part of your life? Do they even like dogs, or did they just take that photo for their Tinder profile? The opening line is the perfect place to ask.
Would You Rather Have Five Fridays Off Or An Extra Week Of Vacation?
This is an intriguing way to show your originality and find out what a spring and summer with them might look like. If you're a fan of the three-day weekend in the Hamptons, you'll want a beau who can join you, and vice versa. Also, it's a question they might not get often, and it will give them a reason to remember you.
Would You Rather It Always Be 10 Or 100 Degrees?
This question is both unique and telling — you need to find out what type of weather makes them complain the most. Someone's favorite temperature says a lot about them — what activities they like, what holidays they look forward to, and how tolerant they'll be of your broken air conditioner.
What's The Silliest April Fool's Prank You've Ever Pulled?
April's just days away, and everyone has a good April Fool's story. Even if it's been years since you pranked anybody, asking your match about their prankster past will remind them of a time when they were carefree and whimsical, and it's a great way to show your sense of humor. Make sure you have a good story on hand for when they throw the question right back at you!
You may have been huddled up for warmth these past few months, but now you're ready to take off your winter coat and log back onto your dating apps. Try one of my suggested opening lines and your conversation is sure to bloom!