10 Drinks You Never Knew You Could Get At Dunkin’ Donuts & Seriously Need To Try
I've never been one who needs an excuse to grab a coffee. In my mind, the day doesn't even truly begin until I've had my first sip of the stuff. Dunkin' Donuts is one of my go-to spots when it comes to getting a tasty caffeine boost, and I thought I knew all there was to know about the coffee chain. It turns out, though, that there is a whole world of secret drinks that you'll definitely want to try once you learn what they are. Read on to learn about 10 Dunkin' Donuts secret menu drinks you will definitely want to try.
Fair warning, you may want to immediately run to Dunkin' Donuts after reading this to get your hands on one of these secret-menu sips. Seriously, you won't believe what kind of options are available. From candy bar-inspired drinks to endless flavors of Coolattas, you're sure to find exactly the drink you've been craving.
You might recognize a few of these drinks (like the Almond Joy Iced Coffee) since of some of them were officially on the menu at one point in time, but even though they're no longer on the current menu, you can still enjoy them if you ask for it.
1. Almond Joy Iced Coffee
This drink was on the Dunkin' Donuts summer menu in 2016. To order an Almond Joy Iced Coffee today, all you need to ask for is a Mocha Iced Coffee with an added shot of Toasted Almond, according to Rather Be Shopping. There is another Almond Joy Iced Coffee recipe on Twitter that is similar, but it adds one pump of coconut to the coffee. I'm sure whichever combination you choose, you're sure to find that your drink is filled with Almond Joy goodness.
2. Nutella Surprise
If mimicking the flavor of your favorite chocolate condiment is all you want in a coffee drink, then you should definitely get a Nutella Surprise. To order this creation, ask for a Mocha Iced Coffee with two shots of added hazelnut. Spoon University reported that the end result boasts a surprisingly chocolate flavor.
Delish also reported that you can make any drink a Nutella Surprise when you add two pumps of mocha and one pump of hazelnut to your drink of choice. That sounds like the most delicious life hack ever.
3. Snickers Coffee
This recipe comes recommended as an iced beverage, but it can be easily added to any cold or hot drink. To create the Snickers Coffee, order a Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffe, and ask for one hazelnut swirl and one salted caramel swirl. According to Rather Be Shopping, it's the perfect recipe for a drinkable version of your favorite candy bar (which is something I never knew I needed until now).
4. Coco Berry Coffee
If you can't decide what kind of flavor profile you're craving, then go for the Coco Berry Coffee. It consists of coffee and almond milk plus equal shots of coconut and blueberry, according to Spoon University. For all you berry lovers, make sure you order an extra shot of blueberry for its flavor to really shine through. This seriously sounds like the best sip for spring and summer.
5. Fruit Roll-Up Coolatta
Perfect for a Throwback Thursday (or any day, really) the Fruit Roll-Up Coolatta is a simple order that adds shots of peach and blueberry syrup to a Strawberry Coolatta. So, if you've hit your coffee quota for the day, you can cool off with this lunchbox treat-inspired Coolatta, per Spoon University.
6. Captain Crunch Coolatta
Amped up Coolattas are like the hallmark of the Dunkin' Donuts secret menu. This cereal-inspired version is a Strawberry Coolatta with shots of blueberry, raspberry, and cream. The reported final flavor of the Captain Crunch Coolatta from Spoon University is one that resembles your childhood Saturday morning meal without being too overpowering.
7. Birthday Cake Coolatta
This sip is the perfect dupe for Starbucks' Birthday Cake Frappuccino, and you'll be glad you know the recipe when you have that cake craving with only a Dunkin' in sight. To order the Birthday Cake Coolatta, get a Vanilla Bean Coolatta with an added pump of hazelnut, according to Delish.
8. Raspberry Hot Chocolate
Not only is this next secret menu item perfect for when you want to warm up, but it's also so easy to order. All you need to do to order a Raspberry Hot Chocolate, per Spoon University, is to simply order a hot chocolate and ask for added pumps of raspberry. If you love a fruity flavor, double up on the raspberry shots.
9. Eggnog Latte
Even though it's inching closer to spring, you might find yourself craving a flavor of the holiday, and thanks to this recipe from Delish, you can get yourself an Eggnog Latte at Dunkin' Donuts any time of the year. To inject some festive cheer into your morning sip, order a vanilla chai with three added pumps of caramel. The best part is that you can order it hot or iced, so you can keep the spirit of season in your cup all year long.
10. Tropical Beach Coolatta
Since the Coolatta is clearly the unsung hero of the Dunkin' menu, I'll leave you with one more twist on the classic. According to Spoon University, you can get a Tropical Beach Coolatta when you order a Minute Maid Coolatta with shots of peach and coconut. Who knew it was so simple to get summer in a glass?!
Now that you've expanded your Dunkin' Donuts ordering options, you might have a tough decision to make next time you get to the ordering window. If you want more choices, you can always check out the new Girl Scout cookie-flavored coffees that recently debuted at Dunkin' Donuts.
It's your choice whether you go for a secret menu sip or the latest cookie-flavored coffees — and it's more than OK if you want to try them all.