10 True Love Stories That Will Make Your Heart Burst
Whether it's the way you grandpa swooped your grandma off her feet or that time your ex kissed you under a shooting star, truly nothing in life can warm a heart up like some good, old-fashioned, true romantic love stories. What makes these tales so heartwarming, of course, is the fact that they really happened. They're not from your favorite rom-com, and they aren't a figment of anyone's imagination. They really happened. And the fact that they really happened gives us all hope that maybe — just maybe — true romance isn't reserved for just the movies. It could be for us, too.
I mean, let's face it. Remember when Monica proposed to Chandler? Remember when Jim made Pam that teapot filled with all of their inside jokes? Remember when Chuck flew to freaking Paris to get Blair her favorite macarons? Obviously, I can't forget Noah writing Allie every day for a year. You get the picture. If you're anything like me, you've probably seen plenty of scripted romantic gestures. And sometimes, it can be tough to remember that true love isn't just the stuff of fairytales.
If you're feeling a little skeptical, do yourself a favor and read this list of real romantic moments from real women on Reddit.
He Regularly Schedules Sentimental Surprise Date Nights
I noticed in our shared calendar that my boyfriend had made plans simply labelled "date night" three days out of a completely random week. When I asked him about it he simply said "you'll see". One date he took me out to dinner and a concert. Next date it was dinner and a show with a comedian he'd remembered me mentioning I liked once in passing years ago. Another date he took me to watch a classical orchestra live.
Why did he do that? Was it some big romantic gesture? No, he just saw some events he thought I'd like, bought tickets and plotted it into my calendar without giving a second thought to the fact that they all clustered around the same time or the end result being me being spoiled rotten for like a week straight. Every couple of months a new mystery date night shows up in my calendar. Like it has for four years.
Unsurprisingly I adore this man. he says he unromantic, I beg to differ.
They Went Skinny-Dipping At A Deserted Beach
A random trip to the beach at night with my then girlfriend (I'm also female). The beach was deserted so we decided to go skinny dipping and as it turned out there were phytoplankton (glowing blue tiny algae creatures) in the water that night and also a full moon. Everything was just glowing and beautiful. I watched my gf walk naked into the water that left a glowing blue trail behind her. She then threw some water up in the air and the glowing water just ran down her body making it mildly glitter and look so delectable. We goofed around in the water for a bit splashing each other and making out. We ended up trying to have sex on the shore but sand was getting everywhere so we decides to take it back to the car and the sex was going so great until the police showed up. We had to scramble for our clothes and didnt manage to get dressed before the cops were by the backdoor smirking and asked what we were doing. They shone light into the vehicle and told us we had to leave. It was a great memory.lol
He Paused Their Conversation To Express A Sweet Thought
My boyfriend and I, about 6 months into our relationship, were sitting on a jungle gym late in the night just talking about everything and he just stopped talking and said “I’m going to marry you”
He Wraps Her Up In A Blanket As Soon As She Gets Cold
Honestly just me saying "I'm cold" and my boyfriend immediately and excitedly getting up to grab me a blanket and draping it over me and tucking it around me and then cuddling me and warming me up. Made me feel so f*cking happy and loved
They Had A Surprise Proposal In Venice
When my SO planned a surprise trip to Italy and proposed to me in Venice. Easily one of the best weeks of my life.
They Had A Movie-Worthy Ice Skating Date
He bought me ice skates. We’d only been ice-skating once about a week prior out in the city. He used to play hockey so he was really good, I’d only ice skated once before and that was years ago, so he had to pull me around the ice rink. It was a beautiful night. Some days after that he started making fun of my feet, telling me how HUGE they were, only to try to find out my shoe size so he could buy me the ice skates. I can’t describe it in words, it was just so precious and so unexpected. Still together, hitting a year this month, and with ups and downs I’m so glad we’re together.
They Shared Their First Kiss Under Fireworks
My first kiss with my ex was on canada day at night so we were chilling under blankets on a climbing frame, under the stars and we kissed when the fireworks were going off. It was a pretty strong movie scene kinda vibe.
He Drove Three Hours To Cheer Her Up
I was going through a really, really terrible time, and my boyfriend (at the time) drove for three hours and across an international border to see me for a few hours just to cheer me up before he had to turn around and drive back to get to work on time the next morning. I didn't ask him to do this, he just wanted to see me. He also bought me a pair of the most ridiculous red sparkly shoes that I admired in a store when we were together. It was a silly gift and a thoughtful gesture that I needed desperately at the time. He was a really nice guy, but life just didn't work out for us together, probably the nicest person I've ever dated.
He Rode Her Around San Francisco On His Bike
Riding on the handlebars of an old bicycle, while my boyfriend rode me around San Francisco really late at night bar hopping. Full moon, gorgeous night, seeing all the little things of street life you miss if you're in a car. It was quiet and surreal and just fully luscious.
He Reassured Her At Her Lowest Point
My husband and I were engaged at the time, but were waiting to announce it until a specific event. We were in the car, headed to Red Robin for dinner. Finances and life in general had been rough lately, and I just sighed and said that life would be so much easier once we moved in together and were sharing finances and had two adults to manage the household and all the sometimes crappy stuff that goes along with it. I was just so wistful.
He picked up my hand, squeezed it and gave it a kiss and said “It’ll happen.”
BRB, need to go to hospital for my bursting heart.
This article was originally published on