These Zoom Backgrounds Of Your Fave Animals Will Make Your Video Chats So Much Fun
One of the main features that sets Zoom apart from its competitors is its ability to let users change their backgrounds while video chatting with their coworkers and friends. Animal-lovers can display their furry, finned, and scaly friends alike, with a variety of free options that are so easy to upload to the platform. If you're ready to switch up your next remote call with a paw-some update, check out these 11 animal Zoom backgrounds to get started.
If you haven't swapped out your Zoom background before, you'll first need to make sure you have at least Zoom version 4.6.0 on your laptop or desktop or you've got at least an iPhone 8 or a fifth-generation iPad to get in on the feature. From there, you'll want to get the Zoom app if you haven't already, then create an account and login.
Once you're signed in, you'll want to head to Meeting Settings then click on the Meeting tab. You'll then see the Virtual Background tab with the option to upload a high-resolution image or video, and voila, you can expect to head into your next happy hour or conference call with what appears to be a jellyfish swimming behind your head or a bear is playing in your office. You can check out hundreds of pics from royalty-free websites. For any video backgrounds, you can either take a screenshot and upload your fave scene as a background or download the entire video and upload that. If you're stumped by all the countless animal-inspired backgrounds on offer, here are some cuddly and funny ideas to help get you started.
1. "Cat Roommates" from James Corden
Take the Late Late Show host's lead and transform your background into a cat lover's haven with the "Cat Roommates" background, which is free to download from CBS. Whether you're presenting a powerpoint or enjoying wine Wednesday with your friends, these kitties are sure to spice up your call.
2. A Pug Licking The Screen
Give your fellow video callers something to laugh about by downloading this video of a pug appearing to lick the screen. One word of caution: This option is probably best for less serious calls where you don't have to worry about getting distracted by the overload of cuteness.
3. Lions From Chicago's Brookfield Zoo
Many zoos, including the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, have recently introduced Zoom backgrounds to help people appreciate wildlife from afar. Choose from a selection of free high-res options, including the zoo's resident lions Titus and Brutus, a peacock, and two giraffes nuzzling heads.
4. Sea Otters From The Monterey Bay Aquarium
Virtually transport yourself to the Monterey Bay Aquarium with some of the aquarium's high-resolution photographs, including a close-up shot of an octopus, two kissing penguins, and a sea otter cuddling with its baby. The aquarium offers both video and photo backgrounds, so you can take your pick depending on what you're looking for.
5. Polar Bears From GreenPeace
Promote conservation efforts and highlight some of your favorite animals with GreenPeace's stunning gallery of Zoom wallpapers. In addition to close-up images of humpback whales and penguins in Antartica, the selection includes several different angles of polar bears in the wild.
6. An Unexpected Bear Visitor
Surprise your fellow video callers with this bear video, which appears to be taken from an Animal Planet segment. During the first five minutes and 34 seconds of the clip, the background of a room appears stagnant until a bear suddenly appears and balances on the piano before calmly walking out of the room.
7. A Napping Koala
Feeling like telling your boss "nama-stay in bed" and hitting the snooze button instead of attending your morning Zoom meeting? Channel some zen vibes instead with this image of koala fast asleep in a tree.
8. Baby Ducks
Lean into those spring vibes and up the cuteness factor of your next Zoom call by setting your background as a close-up photo of baby ducks, rabbits, kittens, or puppies, and wait for the "awws" to come rolling in.
9. Virtual Safari
Virtually head out on your next vacation by swapping out your backdrop with a scene from a safari. This image from Unsplash, which appears to be taken from inside a vehicle next to a herd of elephants, will make your fellow callers feel like they're right in the action.
10. A Grinning Quokka
There's no better way to brighten up a Zoom call than by channeling the so-called happiest animal on earth: The quokka, which lives in Australia and always appears to have a smile on its face. You can either set a close-up image of the marsupial as your background or upload a video of it doing something adorable like eating a leaf.
11. A Snacking Sloth
Speaking of eating, you can spice up your next happy hour with a close-up image from Pixabay of a baby sloth snacking on some foliage. The beloved animal is a crowd favorite for good reason, and your fellow callers will definitely be digging the chill vibes.