11 April Quotes From 'Grey's Anatomy' That Will Make You Want To Curl Into A Tiny Ball
When Grey's Anatomy announced a few weeks ago that longtime star Sarah Drew would be departing at the end of Season 14, there was heartbreak across the fandom. Drew has been part of the series since she was first introduced as April Kepner in a recurring role in Season 6. April may have been created for her new colleagues to hate when she came to Seattle Grace, but these April quotes from Grey's Anatomy prove over the years, she's become one of the most beloved characters of the series.
The show seems to be readying to kill April off, putting her and new (well, sorta new) boyfriend, Matthew Taylor, in a deadly-looking car accident that put her in a ravine and seemingly on the brink of death despite all the hard work of her colleagues. But, for at least for the moment, the show didn't go all the way through with it. The gang at Seattle Grace pulled off a miracle and "rebooted" April back to life. By the end of the episode, her eyes were open, and her relationship with Jackson might have gotten slightly more complicated as he begged God not to take her.
But this leaves one more episode before April leaves the show for good. Will she die after all, or will she be allowed to exit the show with hope that one day she can return? Fans will find out in the finale.
Until she goes, fans want to remember all her greatest lines on the show. Here are 11 of her best pearls of wisdom.
01On Belief
"Do you believe in God? It's okay, you can believe for the two of you. You have lost somebody, and you are hurting, but you will get through this. You can survive this. You are strong. It's okay. You are going to be okay, I promise."
02On Miracles
"I did not know a miracle could be so boring."
03On Personal Stuff
"Now, I don't know what personal stuff is going on between the two of you exactly, but whatever it is, I will not allow it to compromise my patient, his care, or his penis. And for what it's worth, I think you two are good together. Also, Catherine Avery is my mother-in-law, so I'll call her any damn time I feel like it!"
04On Her Status
"I'm not board certified and I'm not a virgin!"
05On Wedding Planning
April: "I'm hunting bridesmaids."
Jackson: "Now, is that a farm tradition?"
06On Love
"What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter."
07On Naming Her Daughter
April: "Her name is Harriet."
Catherine: "Oh, I like it. Tubman."
April: "Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book."
08On Her Own Name
"It may not open doors, but Kepner means something."
09On Learning To Keep Faith
"'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' Job asked the question too. But he kept the faith. And what did he get for it? Replacement children. PTSD. Was it worth it to have been a faithful servant? Or would it have been better to just curse God's name from the beginning? Where was God throughout all of Job's suffering and pain? He was winning a bet with Satan. Makes you wonder where he is through all of the unfairness, inequity, and cruelness in the world. Where is he now?"
10On Protocols
"I missed a little step, one simple step. When we follow the protocols we don't skip steps. People live, simple as that. You know you're right. I probably won't be chief resident, but the checklists work. You can't tell me they don't."
11On Motherhood
April: "She's supposed to be with me... bonding and attaching or whatever. Smelling me like birds and dogs."
Jackson: "Birds and dogs?"
April: "Shut up. It's nature."
The Grey's Anatomy Season 14 finale airs on Thursday, May 17, 2018.