11 Sexy Birthday Surprises For Your Partner
At risk of sounding like a total hippie, sometimes the best birthday presents are actually experiences. Taking your boo to a concert or exploring a funky neighborhood in your area can be the perfect way to celebrate them getting another year older. Of course, if you and your SO love to keep each other on your toes, these sexy birthday surprises for your partner may be more your speed.
Whether you whisk your partner away for an impromptu trip or let yourself into their apartment and cover your body in sushi (Samantha Jones-style), a sexy birthday surprise can really blow out your boo's candles and leave them wishing for more. No matter how long you've been seeing someone, surprising your partner with a romantic dinner or a hot bath full of rose petals can be a super sexy way to show them how you feel. Though you never need to do anything you're not super into or comfortable with, your boo's birthday may be the perfect time to try something new. As long as you both feel safe and supported, anything goes.
And if you need a little extra inspiration, here are 11 sexy birthday surprise ideas for your flame.
01Set The Mood
From lighting candles to drawing a warm bath, ambiance can be part of a super sexy birthday surprise. Whether you chill some champagne or put on a pair of sultry undies, setting the mood can get you in the mood.
Wholesome tip: If you and your boo live together, or you're with each other on the morning of their birthday, try getting up early. Hanging some streamers and making them breakfast can be sweet and sexy, too.
02Make A Sexy Coupon Book
Consider crafting a sexy coupon book for your partner to redeem at their leisure. From, "Good for one night of your favorite positions," to, "Redeem me for a seductive massage," sexy coupons can incorporate all your boo's favorites. While active consent is still (and always) mandatory, prioritizing their pleasure can put a sexy spin on their big night.
03Plan A Last-Minute Romantic Trip
Whisking your boo off on a last-minute trip can be something out of a movie. Of course, vacation is a state of mind. Whether you turn your phones off or don't put clothes on for the entire weekend, a surprise staycation can be just as fun.
04Get Them Something Sexy
If you and your boo like to go to the sex shop together, you may already know the things they like. Getting a toy or some kind of sexy item for someone (or yourself) can be a perfect way to surprise them on their big day. Don't let gender norms bog you down! Vibrators and toys can be for everyone.
05Send Your Roomies To The Movies
Whether you ask your roommate to sleep at their friend's house or you book an Airbnb in your area, privacy can be sexy. Do you never get to have shower sex? Have you always wanted to "do it" in the kitchen? When no one's home, you and your boo can run free.
06Send A Tempting Text
Though getting a text that says, "I'm naked, baking you a cake, and covered in frosting, would probably make me laugh a little, temping or teasing birthday texts can be a silly and sexy surprise. Whether you send them a sultry selfie or a nude pic, telling your partner you'll give them their present in person can be hot.
07Do Something Thoughtful
I know I'm a double earth sign, but I swear, someone going above and beyond to help me out is the sexiest thing ever. Fill up your partner's car with gas, do their dishes, fix the bathroom shelf that's been broken for three months. Going out of your way to do something thoughtful for them will make them feel so loved and cared for. And what's sexier than that?
08Rent A Sexy Movie
Whether you give them a few options or surprise them with a film you know they'd like, a sexy movie night can be a wonderful birthday present. Have you discussed watching porn together? If everyone's on board, press play. And if you and your partner already like to watch sexy movies together, try finding something you know would turn them on.
09Dress Up As Something They Love
If you've ever seen that episode of Friends where Rachel dresses up as Princess Leia, you may already know what I'm talking about. Though you never need to do anything you're not comfortable with, if your partner loves a certain superhero or they've let you in on a fantasy of theirs, dressing up can be a sexy way to surprise them. Additionally, wearing their favorite sports team's jersey or a band T-shirt can be a hot way to draw on their other interests.
10Compliment Them
Your partner may already know what you like about them, but their birthday is a perfect time to remind them how sexy they are. Run through what you love about their whole body from head to toe and explain you adore them for who they are. Sharing how fine you think they are can be super sweet.
11Adapt Your Schedule For A Night
If your boo loves morning sex, but you always have to get up early for work, changing your schedule for a day can be the perfect birthday surprise. Whether you get a coworker to cover for you so you can sleep in or drink a coffee to stay up until they get home, adapting your plans for your partner on their birthday can show them how much you care.
Though you never need to do anything you're not totally comfortable with, a birthday can be a great chance to explore some new positions or play some sexy games. Whether you plan a lavish candlelight dinner or cover their bed in rose petals, there are plenty of sexy ways to surprise your boo. But remember: The best present you can give them is being yourself.
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