11 Tattoos To Get For Music Festival Season That'll So Speak To Your Carefree Soul
The sun is starting to shine, the birds are chirping, and the wind doesn't sting your face when you get outside. Can you feel it? It's right around the corner. That's right — it's almost festival season time. If you're big into festivals, you've been ready for months now. Summer music festivals are what you look forward to all year long. You've been crossing off the days on the calendar for months. You bought your tickets back in the winter. You even have your outfits picked out, folded, and put away in your travel bags — you're that ready to go. Now you're ready to get a move on to your festivals and their activities... and may be even considering some tattoos to get for music festivals.
There's a lot of stigma around tattoos, though maybe less than in the past. Because they're so permanent, people tend to place lots of importance on them, especially on whether or not you'll like it when you're older. But the truth is, you can get a tattoo for anything. As long you remember it was important to you at the time, does it really matter if that's still a moment in your life? So music festivals just might be the perfect place for you to try out a new tattoo. These 11 tattoos are the perfect pairing for a free spirit.
01You Can't Go Wrong With The Basics
You're at a music festival, so you can't go wrong tapping into the basics. The music note is classic, and small enough to make it almost unnoticeable. Plus, you can get original with the design.
02When In Doubt, Look To The Stars
Constellations are some of the prettiest things in the world, so it makes sense they'd make a great tattoo. Free spirits will love these for their versatility and customizations. Get one with your friends, too.
03A Quote From Your Favorite Musician
This just might be the ideal tattoo option. Maybe you're going to see your favorite artist, or maybe you're going to hear your favorite song performed. Getting a small important lyric tattooed makes for both a great memory and a beautiful reminder.
04Strong Like The Mountains
You're a free spirit, so you're in touch with the Earth. What better way to represent yourself than with the mountains? They're strong, reliable, and stand out from the rest, just like you.
05The Moon Captures Your Free Spirit
The phases of the moon, or the moon in any stage, really, also make a good tattoo option. There are so many ways to make this idea your own. Plus, each of you and your friends can get your own variation of the moon, but still be united. Now that's real friendship.
06Minimal, Like You
I've got to admit it: I'm a sucker for minimal tattoos. They capture a kind of effortlessness I wish I could have with me always. I love the geometric inspired design on this little bear cub, and you can easily use the lines many other ways.
07The Sun Will Always Shine
A little bit of sun never did anything to anyone, right? A sun tattoo is guaranteed to make you smile on even the worst days. If there's anything that represents a truly free spirit, it's this.
08Go Eclectic And Don't Look Back
If there's one thing I know about you, free spirit, it's that you're not one to stick with the mold. You're all about being unique and going the opposite way of the pack. An eclectic tattoo pick channels your inner mantra.
09A Little Patch Of Flowers
You can never get a bad tattoo of flowers. This tattoo combines flowers with the shape of a constellation, which is a double win, in my book. Gorgeous, right?
10Something Earthly And Grounding
I'm loving this tiny tree, if not just for the symbolism. You are strong and steady, unwavering in the face of danger. Carefree never looked so good.
11There's Always Room For Fun
In the end, your music festival experience is about having fun, so you might want to choose a tattoo that reflects that. I love the idea of a little smiley face; it works pretty much anywhere so that you and your squad can all get one to match.